Khalifa's wedding

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Muhammad pov
  Wow everything just happens very fast, actually I can't believe Khalifa is getting married today. I'm really happy to see my best buddy happy 😊. I smiled to myself as I saw how my buddy was nervous about his own wedding that also reminds me about my own which is going to take place a month after Khalifa's. I wonder how my angry cat is doing as I recalled our last phone call .
"Ya rabbi" I said rubbing my face it was the most embarrassing and awkward conversation we ever had.
"Buddy do u think this outfit will do ??" Khalifa's voice snapped me out of my thoughts .he came out wearing a white shadda with expose his boldness and smartness.he looks handsome in it. I smirk and said this is perfect we got to be going cause we are already late for the wedding Fatiha.

 I smirk and said this is perfect we got to be going cause we are already late for the wedding Fatiha

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Khalifa's outfit ☝🏻

Muhammad outfit ☝🏻We drove in the new black prado car

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Muhammad outfit ☝🏻
We drove in the new black prado car. We arrived at the wedding Fatiha just in time. After some minutes the Fatiha was complete and surely I can see the happiness in my buddies face.
"My son, ur next ko" Khalifa's dad said to me and I smile at him. He laughed and pat my back and he went back to greet his friends while we drove back home.
"Finally I'm happy nusaiba is mine now" Khalifa said while falling on his bed.
I smiled at him without saying anything.
"Mutumin saura kai I cant wait for ur wedding buddy"he continued
"Pls can we leave this discussion for once" I replied.
He smiled and stood up from the bed, he approached me and pat my back
"What's wrong abokina tun wurin daurin aure naga fuskan ka ya canza mai ke faruwa"Khalifa asked
I told Khalifa about my last moment with Amina on the phone.
He smiled and said "abunda da kayi baka kyauta ba but I'm sure she's already forgiven you so now chill and help me get ready for the wedding reception and don't forget to call mrs Muhammad" he said still smiling.
I smirk and dialed her number
"Oh lala my angry cat, wow you must be head over heals for her Buddy"he teased me . I smarked his head and went out of the room smiling like a fool.

  It's been a while since I heard of mr arrogant after our last awkward conversation. I don't know why I feel like I want to see him again.
Today is Khalifa's wedding and finally Abhie agreed that we would attend the wedding reception to get to know the family very well. I'm attending the reception with khadija because aysha is not at home she's back to school.
I was getting ready to shower then I heard my phone ringing. I saw the caller ID it's mr arrogant as I saved the number. You speak of the devil and he shows up. I smiled and picked it up
"Assalamu alaikum" I said while picking the call
After some seconds he replied
"Wa alaikum mu salam"
We exchange greetings and after some few minutes he finally spoke cause I've made up my mind I won't talk until he talk first.
"Get ready in 30minutes I'll come and pick up you guys" that's was his last message and he finally end the call.
I sighs and went to the washroom to do my businesse. Is it how we are going to be? I asked my self conscious.i was snapped out of my thoughts when khadija banged my door
"Darling sis ain't u ready yet" she whined
I rolled my eyes and said
" can't u see I'm getting ready, just 2 minutes".
"Ain't u girls ready yet" ammi questioned
"Ammi I'm ready but she isn't" khadija pouts
She smiled and said "get ready quickly he's on his way very soon". And she left the room. I got into a red silky dress same goes to khadija it's the dinner anko which Muhammad mom got for us. As I applied a simple makeup cause I'm not a fan of it unlike khadija 😁

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