A visit to his house 🏘prt 2

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Amina POV
Finally we were here , he parked his car at the parking lot and I quickly got out of the car and ran into the parlor yelling
"Ammie, Abhie , aysha , salma , khadija"
My sisters came running 🏃🏻‍♀️ to me as we both crashed into a big hug 🤗
How I've missed my sisters
"Darling sis we've missed you so much" salma said while sobbing
"Pls come back aunty" khadija said while crying
"Pls darling sis come back we've missed you a lot" aysha said while sobbing 😭

They all made me cry , I can't see them crying . I wiped their tears as I shook my head in no more tears okay 👌🏻
They both smiled and pulled into a hug again.
"Haba pls kar ku balla min yarinya" ammie said from behind
I pulled out of the hug as I ran towards my mom and hugged her as if my life depend on the hug. Then tears started rolling from my eyes, how I've missed my mom so much.
"Ammie I've missed you so much"I said still not controlling my emotions
"I've missed you 2 habibty" she replied as she wiped my tears away.

"So you've forgotten about your Abhie ko it's only you sisters and mother you've remembered" my dad said from behind mom
"Abhie" I yelled as I ran to him and hugged him tightly
"Abhie I've missed you too just as I've missed momma and su aysha" I said
He hugged me back as he pat my back and said
" the house is boring without my chatterbox around" he said jokingly
I pout and said "abhiiiieee" as I stressed his name
He smiled at my childish behavior
"Oh ashe ma tare kuke da muhammad kika Bar shi tsaye kaji jairar yarinya" ammi said as he lightly knock my head
"Ouch Ammie da zafi fa" i pouted
She smiled as she gestured muhammad to have a seat .
They both exchange greetings and I went to my room along with my sisters as I've missed them so much
"So how's marital life sis" aysha questioned
"Alhmdllh" I replied and faking a smile as I don't want them to know the truth.
We all spend some minutes chatting and gisting as to which I forgot about muhammad, until I heard Ammie calling out to me . I got up to meet my mom as she held my hand and took me to her room .
"Habibty how is he treating you, is he treating you badly" Ammie asked
I smiled at her and said
"Ammie komai lafiya kalau he's not treating me badly in fact he's treating me as if I'm the world to him" I lied , I don't really like lying to Ammie but I have to do it. Is it not proper in Islam to tell your marriage secrets to your parents
She smiled and cupped my face
" May you always be happy Habeebty, here drink this" she gave me something to drink i don't what in that
"Ammie menene wannan" I asked
She smiled and said
"It's for your own good and health oya shanye maza" she instructed
I drank it all as I frown my face as to which its taste bitter.
"Yauwa so yanxu ka wain nan kisha su da zuma kina jina kafin kin kwanta ki tabbatar kin shanye fa" she instructed
I frown my face as I collect the leather bag she gave me.
We went downstairs as I saw muhammad and Abhie having some conversation, I sat near Ammie as muhammad told them the reason we are here and also about the trip to Italy tomorrow,
"Allah ya tsare hanya ya kai ku lafiya" Ammie said
"Allah ya tsare" Abhie said so also my sisters
We got up to leave as I hugged my sisters once again and my Abhie and Ammie
"Pls take good care of her muhammad kuma Allah ya maku albarka" Ammie concluded. He smiled at her and said
" Insha Allah mama she's my responsibility now"
We bid goodbye to them as we drove back home.

Muhammad POV
As we approach the gate I told her to behave herself as I don't Momma to be suspicious. I loved they way the bond between momma and mi amor is strong and I'm happy to see them bonding together.
Baba came in as he joined us for dinner as to which he gave Amina some envelopes I was shocked to know that he planned a honeymoon tickets to Italy for both of us I'm happy but it's too soon I've not confess my love to her how will I go on a honeymoon yeah I would love to but I never plan it sooner.

After spending time at my place, I decided to take her to her parents house because I know she is missing them badly as I could detect how happy she was when I took the road to her place. As we reached the house, I drove to the parking lot and before I could properly parked she ran out of the car into the house like is she crazy what if she's gotten herself injured I was like angry, so I followed her I stop at to which I saw how she was hugging her mom so much I'm sure she missed her a lot , they were both lost in hugging each other as last her mom looked at me and said "oh ashe ma tare kuke da muhammad din kika barshi tsaye kaji jairar yarinya" as she slightly knock her head to which mi Amir pouted which made me smile, because she looks so adorable like a baby flower 🌸

As he mom gesture me to sit we exchanged greetings as mi amor left with her sisters, after some minutes she came down with her mom as I informed them about our trip to Italy tomorrow and they gave us there blessings and we bid them goodbye. The ride back home was also quiet but not as quiet as when we are going to my moms place .
"Thank you I really appreciate what you did for me" I heard her voice
I nod my head as I continued driving, i could heard her sigh and I felt guilty inside me , I'm sorry mi amor I'm gonna make it up to you I promise I thought to myself.
As we went back home , I walked into the house and found aunty maimuna cleaning the dinning so I told her to make me a hot cup of coffee as I walked to my room to refreshen up,
I wore my pjs as she brought me the coffee , I took it and drank it , I opened my laptop to finish some work as I don't want to leave it and come back to meet bulky stuff waiting for me.
After that I drove into a deep slumber thinking about mi amor 😍❤️

Amina POV
As we drove back home, i was really happy he took me to my parents house so I decided to thank him but he gave a nod as an answer, i felt something in my heart as I gulp heavily. As we reached home we both walked into the house as I walked into my room leaving him with aunty maimuna who is going make him a coffees.
I walked to my room as I refreshen up and wore my pjs

I remember tomorrow we're traveling for our honeymoon to Italy and it's a morning flight so I packed my bag as to which I picked my comfortable and some fashionable wears as to Italy is a city of fashion and some nighties as well as my pjs

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I remember tomorrow we're traveling for our honeymoon to Italy and it's a morning flight so I packed my bag as to which I picked my comfortable and some fashionable wears as to Italy is a city of fashion and some nighties as well as my pjs.

After that I call my best friend zainab as to which I told her about the trip she was excited yeah my best friend is crazy 😜 she started lecturing me as do it and dat and I was like really, we spend some minutes gisting on the phone as she wished me save journeys and we end the call as To which I was drifting away cause I'm very tired 😴 so I went to sleep thinking about tomorrow, my honeymoon together with Muhammad ya Allah will he love the way I loved him or will I never find love , what will happen during the honeymoon as I wiped those thoughts aaay cause we've got a flight to catch in the morning as I was engrossed in a deep slumber.

Sorry guys for the short page😂
So pls keep your comments coming up and your votes 🗳
I wanna know whether to continue my story or not it depends on your comments so pls guys don't forget to

I love you guys 😍❤️
More especially Wattpad 😂😍😁

So I will give room for Q AND A

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