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After 4 years
Amina pov
I'm getting ready for my graduation 🎓 as it has been 4years now , nuh is now grown up, he is 4 years old now.
"Mami mami daddy is calling you" he yelled while running into the room and drawing my hand.
I picked him up and draw his cheeks, I must say nuh is a total replica of his father even his attitude.

Just then the door swayed open
"Habibty ain't you ready we are running late" muhammad said
"Habibi just a minute I'm trying to find an outfit would you help me" I said while dropping nuh on the bed .

He smirked and turned to nuh, he bend down to his level
"Nuh Baby i have brought you a new toy gun wanna see" he asked
Nuh nod his head while jumping on the bed happily
"Yes daddy" he shouted
"Ok I have Gave it to Sara , she's in her room go and meet her ok" he said
"Thank you daddy I love you" nuh said and kissed him on his cheeks, then he ran away
(Sarah is Noah nanny, she is a nice young girl about 19yrs old, she also lives in Florida,momma significantly ordered muhammad to get me a house maid to me around the house since I'm attending school and I can't go with nuh)

"Be careful sweetheart" I yelled
"So" he smirked checking me out
I looked at him as I saw him glaring at me as I looked at myself

Omg I just realized I'm in my towel
"Habibi" I yelled trying to pick up my himar on the bed as he snatched it away from
"Habibi" I pout
"Yes habibty" he said moving closer to me as I move back with every step he made
Until I made a contact with a hard surface that's when I realized it was the wall.

"Har kin gama gudun" he whispered,
He held my waist so firmly and kiss me on my neckline which send some sparking shivers down my spine , We have married for almost 5 years and still he has that effect on me.
I tried to speak up but words ain't coming out of my mouth, I manage to push him away from me and ran into the closet and locked it

"This is not the end baby , zan kama ki ne"he chuckles as I heard the door bang.
I sigh and was smiling like a fool.
I scan through the wardrobe and bought out a
Long white gown with lace top, muhammad gave it to me as a gift . I wore it as I applied a simple makeup, I picked a matching veil and a clutch with some matching pair of hills.

 I wore it as I applied a simple makeup, I picked a matching veil and a clutch with some matching pair of hills

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Amina outfit 👆

I quickly rush out of the room to see my dashing loving husband standing in the main living room wearing a white  tuxedo 🤵 wait what is he actually wearing a tuxedo omg , those innocent emeralds eyes and the light strimmed beard , his hair is well shampooed and it is as dark as the night sky . He was holding Noah in his arms , Noah was dressed in also a brown and white strip lines tuxedo for kids , they all look good Masha Allah and that's when I realized I was busy staring at my husband and son

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