1. The Ruined Thanksgiving

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It was 6:30 PM. Kara was almost done cooking. She had been very busy since this afternoon. She wanted it to be perfect. It would be the first Thanksgiving with the whole family in years. Alex and Eliza weren't fighting anymore because Eliza explained why she was Always so hard on Alex.

Kara knew Winn would probably be early, so she needed to hurry. She used her superspeed to set the table. Someone knocked on the door. Probably Winn, Kara thought and walked to the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see it wasn't him. The Monitor stood in front of her. Before Kara could close the door he already stepped inside. He closed the door en told Kara: ''You really thought it would be that easy to get rid of me?'' he referred to the crisis they had faced a couple of months ago, when Oliver and Barry were body swapped. ''What do you want?'' Kara asked. ''Did you know I destroyed Earth-2?''

''I don't think you came here to tell me your life story'' Kara said sarcastic. She didn't want Winn to arrive now, he couldn't see The Monitor. ''That's not why I told you''

''So, are you gonna destroy Earth-38 now?''


''Unless what?'' Kara lost her patience. ''Unless you make a deal with me.''

''Like Oliver did a few months ago?''

''No, it'll be different. I won't kill you.''

''You killed Oliver?'' Kara paniced by the thought. ''Not yet'' The Monitor walked around the apartment. ''What do you need me to do?'' Kara asked. ''Is that an agreement?'' The Monitor asked and Kara nodded to him.


''Kara, it's me!'' Alex yelled and knocked on the door. There was no response. She searched for the extra key and opened the apartment. ''Kara?'' she said but no one was here. ''That's weird'' Alex sighed and saw the oven was still on. ''Hi, Alex'' Winn said behind her. She turned around. ''Kara isn't here'' she said worried. ''She probably heard someone in trouble and flew off, you know,, Supergirl style'' he said and put a bottle of wine on the table. ''It smells delicious here'' he added. 

Everyone had arrived, except for Kara. ''How could she be late at her own Thanksgiving'' Eliza sighed and still didn't like the fact that Kara was putting herself in danger. ''She'll be here'' James said, but he doubted. ''It's already 8:30, she's not coming'' Alex said and stood up. She was worried about her sister and she had always felt responsable. ''Kara can take care of herself, she's fine'' Winn said to her. ''How do you know that. There are plenty of aliens that can kill her. She's not invincible'' Alex said. 

The evening was a disaster. Kara never returned and at 9:30 everyone went their seperate ways. Alex stayed behind. She cleaned the kitchen. But she noticed something weird. It was this small piece of fabric. It was black and felt familiar. ''Something is wrong'' Alex said to herself and went to the DEO. 

''Hank, we need to find out what this is'' Alex protested. ''We are a secret organisation who capture evil aliens. We aren't even sure this is a lead'' he answered. ''But we don't know where Supergirl is. The last time I saw her was yesterday morning'' Alex said. ''She's probably busy saving people'' Hank said and entered a room. Nobody was in it. ''Why don't you ever listen to me'' Alex said angry. ''I told you my secret a few weeks ago. You know I have to act like this mean Hank Henshaw'' he said. ''But we still need to help Kara. That's something every boss would do'' Alex turned around and left. 

Alex was still angry with Hank. ''You were right. I am sorry'' Hank said entering Alex' lab. ''Have you done research?'' he asked. ''Yes. This is fabric from a cape.''

''So that person had a suit.''

''They fought and Kara ripped his cape, probably'' Alex said. She sat down. ''Do you think she's been kidnapped?'' she asked. ''Could be'' Hank sat down next to her. ''I should've kept her safe.''

''This isn't your fault, Alex. We have evidence and we are going to find her.''

''How? She could be everywhere.''

''I don't know, but first we need to keep National City calm. We don't need extra criminals and aliens'' Hank said and Alex knew what she had to do. 

The DEO kept watching the city. ''As soon as everyone notices that Supergirl is gone, they'll start attecking'' an agent said to Alex. ''I know, that's why we need to fix the city's problems before they notice'' she answered. ''I need you to lead the first group. You need to leave now, there has been an alien robbery'' Hank said walking up to Alex. ''Did the alien get robbed or did he rob a shop?'' 

''He robbed a supermarket.''

''I'm on my way'' Alex said and signaled to her squad. The crime scene wasn't what they expected. Alex had followed the alien and captured it while the other agents asked questions at the supermarket. ''I know you stole from a supermarket'' Alex said, pointing her gun to the alien. ''Turn around!'' she ordered and slowly the alien turned around. It was a woman and she looked poor. Alex lowered her gun. ''Please don't kill me'' the woman cried. Alex walked to her and put her gun away. ''Why did you rob the supermarket?'' she asked. ''I just wanted to feed my daughter.'' 

Alex knew this alien wasn't a threat. ''What did you steal?''

''Just this'' she opened a bag and showed it to Alex. 

Alex felt bad for her. ''It's okay. Go home and don't do stupid things, like this'' Alex said and gave her some money. ''Thank you so much'' the woman couldn't feel happier. 

Alex paid for the groceries at the supermarket and told the boss to forget it. ''It won't happen again. It was just a misunderstanding'' she said and told her group to go back to the DEO.

''You handled it well'' Hank said. ''Thank you, but next time I want a real job'' Alex said. ''I didn't know what it was, but I'll remember that'' Hank smiled and they got back to their work.


''Where are we?'' Kara asked annoyed. ''We aren't at your earth anymore'' The Monitor said. ''Look, I need to be honest here. You look like you just came from a children's birthday party and you talk like you are the ruler of the universe, but you're not, so please tell me what we're doing on another earth.''

''You're wrong, I do rule the universe. You just can't understand that, but it doesn't matter.''

''What are we doing here? What earth is this?''

''This is Earth-29. They call this the 'Black-Earth'. That is because this is the only Earth in the multiverse that doesn't have doppelgängers that are the same age, have the same appearance or name'' The Monitor said. ''What do you want me to do here?'' 

''I don't need you to do anything. Try to fit in, because you're not going back to your earth. And if you do, it'll be too late. You won't have anything to go back to because it'll be in ashes.''

''Why would you bring me here if I don't need to do anything? Just so you can hurt me?''

''Because I want your earth to suffer, and you and your family of course'' The Monitor said and walked away. ''So, I'm just supposed to live here now?'' Kara said to him. ''Yes, and I suggest you look in the mirror first'' then he disappeared. 

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