22. The Truth

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Cisco was stressing. He couldn't figure out what was wrong. ''We need the Flash for this one'' he sighed, but didn't give up. ''There has to be something we can do!'' Caitlin said. ''Who is the Flash?'' Sebastian asked. The others ignored him. They didn't have time to answer him. ''I'll call Joe and see what I can find out'' Cisco said as he gestured that Felicity needed to take over. ''This is YOUR town, what do I do?'' Felicity asked. ''Just try to figure out what is happening. Caitlin, get ready'' Cisco said and called Joe. ''What is going on?'' Cisco asked. ''A meta, he's holding hostages at CCPD. I just got out of here, the others aren't safe. We need help'' Joe answered over the phone. ''What are his abilities?'' Cisco asked. ''He's hypnotizing everyone and making them do bad stuff. We can't handle this much longer. I am here, outside, with Captain Singh'' Joe said. There were some noises in the background that didn't sound well. ''Hurry up, Cisco'' Joe said and disconnected the line. Cisco ran back into the Cortex. ''We need Frost'' he said and got ready to open a breach. Killer Frost appeared. ''That was so cool! How is that possible?'' Sebastian asked excited. ''Shut up, people are in danger'' Killer Frost said sassy, even though she didn't know who he was. ''A meta is holding people hostage at CCPD and is hypnotizing them, let's go, Frost'' Cisco said as he opened a breach. They walked through as Felicity was checking everything from the computers. ''Yes! I got into the security cameras!'' she yelled proud. ''What is going on?'' Sebastian asked. ''I'll explain later'' Felicity smiled as she focussed back on her work.

''This is gonna be tricky'' Cisco sighed as he and Killer Frost walked to Joe. He was standing behind a police car and had his gun aimed at the door. ''What are you doing?'' Frost asked. ''If they come out and they are hypnotized, they can do whatever he says. Captain Singh has ordered us to kill them if it comes to that'' Joe explained and there was a slight regret in his voice. Cisco knew he didn't want to kill them, but on the other hand, those people were a danger to Central City. ''We are going in and see what we can do'' Cisco said and the two meta's walked inside. ''They are going to get themselves killed'' Captain Singh warned Joe. ''They'll be fine'' Joe said and tried to believe in it.


''We need to tell Marley the truth'' Kara said determined. ''She'll never help us if she knows we lied to her'' Oliver said. ''Yeah, but she is a Paragon and we need her. So we better tell her the truth now'' Kara said. As they were arguing Barry looked outside. They were in Kara's bedroom, Marley wasn't home. ''Look, I need to go before she comes back, because Barry told her that I am his uncle. It's weird that I am here'' Oliver said as he looked at the clock. Kara nodded. They walked down the stairs. ''I am home!'' Marley shouted. Oliver ran back upstairs. ''You are early!'' Kara said and smiled arcastic. ''Yeah, my mom needed some rest. You should come soon, again'' Marley said as she put down her coat. ''Would you like to do something for me?''

''Depends, I am not going outside anymore. It's so cold!'' Marley said. ''Can you please turn on the oven, so we can put the pizza in it?''

''Sure, but why can't you do that?''

''I invited Sebastian, I should go back upstairs'' Kara said and turned around. Marley walked to the kitchen. The moment she was gone, Kara grabbed Olivers arm and pulled him with her. She ran down the stairs, opened the door as quiet as she could and whispered a goodbye to him. He walked away and Kara closed the door. ''I thought you were going upstairs?'' Marley asked suspiscious. ''Just grabbing the mail'' Kara lied and bent over. She grabbed an envelope and walked upstairs.

''What is the plan?'' Kara asked. ''I am going, so I can meet up with Oliver'' Barry said, still looking outside. ''Wait'' he put his hand in the air and Kara didn't speak. ''Is that? Sara?'' Barry asked and ran downstairs, like a normal human being. Kara followed him. ''What are you guys doing?'' Marley asked. ''We are going to... walk around'' Kara said and slammed the door behind her. ''And what about the pizza?'' Marley asked, but Kara was gone.

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