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if you don't read info, you're gonna be confused

your pov

location? beach city.
temperature? cold.
how cold? very.
are you okay? no.
what brought you here?


beach city was just another quick stop i had to make this week.
the town was relatively small and i didn't plan on sticking around to let it grow on me because
in just ten minutes, i'll be on my way again

but unfortunately, ten minutes drifted into twenty. twenty slowly became 40. and fourty doubled to a waiting time of 1 hour and 20 boring minutes.
where's my bus?
i repeatedly checked my phone and called the company but to no avail.
the site said in bold red letter that they were closed for the night
what type of bus company does that? i was left wondering alone in the dark
after my few moments of annoyance, i started formulating a plan..
i can just wait out the next few hours under a store front, it was pretty much night time and this factor plus the day being sunday meant all shops were closed.
i could already see one within walking distance;
The big donut.
It had a colourful overhanging eave which could shelter me from the elements,
just for tonight.

however, the icy wind came from the south, sharply striking me right in the face.
as if this situation didn't suck enough.
this moment had me wishing my life was just.. normal, because if it was i'd still be with both of my parents. and i'd still have a cozy bed with cozy blankets to keep me warm during nights like these.
but if that's not what happened, and somehow i was still in this situation, atleast id have a reason to bring a backpack.
i couldve used it as a pillow but there's no reason to carry extra weight when i can store it all on the back of my hand
well rather, the rock on the back of my hand.
this is the reason my father left me there, wasn't it?

i've tried everything. at first i used brute force to try and remove it, not caring about blood, scarring or the immense pain.
but it just wouldn't budge
so then i used the internet.
google was just as clueless as me. it could tell me the type of rock attached to me, but not why or how it got there.
the predominantly blue gemstone glued to my hand was a sodalite;
stormy ocean blue with a grey-white accent.
my father knew about it, he knew what type it was but i'm not quite sure if he even knew why.
and i guess ill never be able to ask.
sodapop was his nickname for me,
or soda for short
heck, it's been so long that i've forgotten my real name. i've always just been called soda, and occasionally sodapop when i'm in trouble.

the stone wasn't all bad, despite my hand basically never seeing light since i covered it so much, it could really help out.
storage, it could store anything i crammed inside of it.
i'm just not the best at retrieving those things, if i was id be able to use the blanket i stole a few weeks prior and not freeze to death on a sidewalk.

the few things i mastered at summoning was my dads wedding ring; he gave it to me so we would still be close and i cant help but smile everytime i see it.
My teddy bear; i never named him but he's tiny, perfect for a child and resembling a dog-cross-bear.
and lastly my toothbrush, toothpaste and hairbrush
i guess it really cares about hygiene.
i just pictured the object i wanted and i could reach in and get it, but no matter how hard i thought of anything other than what i listed, my gem just wouldn't glow.

i figured out the rock was  also a secret weapon, its three known abilities were the only reason i hadn't chopped off my entire hand.

night was set in place and i slumped my head to the side, relaxing on my shoulder for comfort.
the dark sky was scattered with dots of glowing stars, peacefully resting in space.

i woke up to a coin hitting my head and making a clink noise as it ricocheted and hit the pavement.
caught off guard, i glances around.
someone must have thought i was homeless or something.
thirsty, i used the small amount of change to buy a drink from the big donut

a small bell chimes on top of the door as i enter

"water" i place the 2 dollar on the counter
"2.50" a pink human informs me
i'm startled at the sight of him
"but the 50c is on the house" he smiled
"wh- "
all i get is a grin from him
"sleep well?"
"n-no?" i start "were you watching me?"
"not watching, you were just sleeping outside when i came here for work"
he must've realised the source of my shock;
"oh, it's a looong story"
"well i don't have anywhere to be?"
like a stupid clique, i realise i do.
my phone breaks the news, telling me it's far too late, the last bus departed at 10pm and it was already 20 past.
there's always tomorrow i guess.
"you sure?"
my slight frustration must've shon through my tough skin
"positive" i assure
i watch him scan the empty shop before motioning me to go follow him.
the stranger leads me though what i assumed to be the back room, scattered with various sized boxes, then out another door.
side-by-side we lean against the old brick wall which together formed the back of the building.
"so whats the name?"
"lars" i'm told "and you are?"
"what like the drink?"
i nod in response
"well, sodapop. do you mind nicknames?"
considering that was a nickname, i say;
"not at all"
"okay fizz, u ready for the dumbest, yet realest story?"
fizz. it wasn't too creative but i liked it
"well that's why i'm here"
he told me about the damaged planet homeworld and all the shenanigans that lead up to his current state, including the one who healed him.
i never got the name but i didn't really think to ask, it wasn't important to me

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