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your pov

my thoughts were abruptly ended when something in the corner of my eye moved.
i turned my head in the same direction to try get a better look
it was that door
the shiny gold star on the top half began glowing. i took a closer look before seeing the purple circle shine slightly brighter than the rest of the shape before sliding open.
a matching purple gem exited through the door, it must be colour coded
she noticed me straight away
"who are you"
the girl was short and had light purple skin with even lighter, almost white wavy hair
"i'm stevens friend.."
honestly, i didn't even know if we were friends at this point
i give an awkward smile before attempting to get on my feet
"i just uh"
"why were you on the ground?"
"i was.. sleeping"
"i don't even need sleep and i still know that's not how to do it"
the short woman got closer
"my names amethyst"
i was about to say something before she continued, unknowingly cutting me off
"well actually there's tons of me but no one calls me by my real name" she chuckles,
holding her arm out to help me up
she must be one of stevens friends, and considering her names amethyst, she's 100% a gem
"there's tons of you?" i take it
"most of them are on homeworld, they're a lot taller than me because they came out right"
she joked before pulling me to my bare feet
"what other gems are there?"
"there are pearls who hold stuff, rubies who guard stuff, bismuths who build stuff and plenty more"
"where's homeworld"
"a few light years away"
"you mean it's in space?"
amethyst nods whilst searching through the fridge and cabinets for food
"ugh" she groans "anyways where are you from"
she settles on a bowl of cereal and takes a massive spoonful
"just a few towns over"
"oh yeah" she chews "so, stevens friend. what should i call you"
"i didn't know humans got named after drinks"
"i'm not named after a drink"
"uh yeah, soda?"
i felt safe telling her, after all she was a gem
"it's a-"
"wait isn't that a gem!?" she cuts me off, pushing her cereal to the side
"yeah.. do you know what sodalites look like?"
inside i was begging for a yes, if i couldn't see my mother atleast i could see something similar
"no" amethyst let me down "but i know someone who can!"
she reached into her gem located on her chest and pulled out a phone, i assumed to text someone
"how do you do that?"
"no, how do you get things from your gem"
"oh i just imagine what i want and voila, i get it"
the explanation didn't help too much so i just guessed i'd end up working it out alone
without notice, the same mystical door opened, revealing an elegant room instead of a purple hued messy one like before.
a tall, slender gem exited while tapping on her phone
"amethyst, i got the notification but i don't know how to reply-"
she cut herself off when she looked at me
"who's this in our house"
"it's soda" amethyst wraps her arm around me
"stevens friend" i explained
"oh okay.. so what do you need me for"
"pearl what do sodalite gems look for"
pearl froze, seemingly startled by the query
"w-why do you need to know?"
i help up my hand, exposing the gemstone
pearl rushed over to get a better look.
now she was closer, i could she her shiny white gem placed in the centre of her forehead
"another hybrid?, oh dear" pearl blushed "where did she come from?"
i sensed the annoyance in her tone, making me feel unwelcomed
"chill out pearl, just give us a description"
"very well.." she began
me and amethyst excitingly listened
"sodalites were from blue diamonds court"
blue diamond? i thought, not even knowing the existence of multiple diamonds
"there were very few.. blue specifically chose a smaller planet, seemingly defective. but instead of creating the usual amount of kindergartens, she made one"
pearl took a moment to breathe
"around 15 in total were created, and instead of being small and scrappy like expected, they were tall and elegant"
my smile slowly faded when i caught on to her uses of past tense when referring to the gem
"similar to lapis lazulis, except with long flowing hair and specks of white-grey accents scattered around. they were one of the higher class gems of the era and i'd occasionally see them accompanied by a minimum of three quartz guards. they were used to design important structures for them and other gems of importance to enjoy"
"is there a sodalite i can meet?"
pearls face is painted with forced pity
"i'm sorry, they were all... shattered"
it felt like amethyst was no longer present, just leaving me and pearl
"humans die, and gems shatter" she stood up
"they're all gone..?"
pearl nodded, sadly before sloppily excusing herself
"tough luck man" amethyst chimes in
i just nod as the purple gem playfully nudges me, soon re entering the mysterious room

after my sadness was drowned out with hunger, i decided to get my own food
i entered the big donut, it happened to be the closest and the workers didn't seem to fussed about the job
i was aware of the bell, so i opened the door so slowly the bell hardly chimed
no one was at the front counter
sure, i could pay with the money i had but i'd rather save that for the things i couldn't steal
first, i swiped a few cans.
all i really came for was a snack but i felt as if the world owed me much more, ill never get to see another sodalite so the least i could have is a scummy drink.
then i took some sweets that were left unattended near the cash register. i was finding a spot to hide the bar of chocolate when a farmiliar voice interrupted my scheme
it was lars
"laars" i smiled "hii"
he looked at me, then looked at my pockets bulging with stolen items
"what are you doing"
i froze
"just about to pay"
his pink didn't seem so captivating today, it was more dull and subtle rather than obnoxiously noticeable.
"fine i was just taking a few things, you don't mind.. right?"
"no. not really but cmon. why?"
"just hungry" i shrugged
he didn't believe it, but couldn't bother digging deeper
"just keep it, be thankful i was the one working"
i nodded and left, letting the bell do its job as i went

i dug around my pockets to see the goods, not paying attention to my moving surroundings until i turned a blind corner, slamming straight into someone
"i'm so sorry!" i apologised
it was steven, arms linked with a stranger
"it's fine, soda."
"who's this?" the darker skinned girl asked
"soda, this is connie. connie, soda"
i did a small silent wave as a hello
"hi soda"
"what's with all the sweets" steven looked at me, holding a bundle of chocolate and candy packets in one hand, and two drinks in the other
"i uh.. just hungry" i murmured
it was an awkward silence before connie excused herself
"hi mum, yeah i'll head home now..... okay bye!"
she held her phone to her ear, clearly faking a phone call
"i gotta go, cya steven"
"bye connie" they exchanged a smile.
connie simply said farewell through eye contact with me, she seemed so gentle and kind.
i did a slight pivot while steven was facing away, trying to go my own seperate way
"uh uh" he grabbed my arm, turning me to face him
"where do you think you're going?"
"just for a walk"
he raised an eyebrow
"for real this time"
i was telling the truth
"i'll join" steven invited himself
i only smiled awkwardly
"soo.. connie?"
"what about her"
"she's seems nice"
"she is" we walked side by side down the cracked pathway
"are you guys together?"
"no, just friends"
i didn't believe it one bit
"seriously" he added
i didn't respond, instead rummaged around my pockets, praying to find the odd cigarette.
luckily i found two
i offered him one, not using words but
he took it, using the lighter right after me.
i instantly noticed he didn't cough when he took the initial whiff
"you've done this before?"
"once or twice"
something told me that it's been many more times
"what's the deal?"
"calming i guess"
i could agree with that, so i never mentioned it again
the sun was nearly finished its hour long rise, no longer projecting pastel pink and orange tones, and just slowly settled to a calm blue, decorated with fluffy clouds
steven threw his cigarette away and it tumbled once or twice as it hit the ground
"i thought you didn't like when people did that"
he simply shrugged, leaving me confused
"that was only a conversation starter"
perplexed, i looked up at him
"what, you wanted to talk to me?" i grinned
"you seemed cool, and frankly a little lost"
"it showed?"
he nodded
"i'm sorry about taking your money"
"it's fine. i have enough"
"you don't even have a job?"
"no but my dads got seemingly endless"
i didn't really know what else to say so we merely walked in silence
i could feel my legs begin to tire so i sat down, steven besides me
i cracked open the beer can i took from the big donut, creating a few bubbles to appear at the surface.
steven seemed slightly shocked
"where did you get that?"
"the big donut"
"they sell alcohol?"
"guess so"
i couldn't lie, i was a bit taken back when i saw the liquor sitting casually besides the juices and water
"and they let you buy it?"
straight away, he caught on to the unsure tone in my voice
"you didn't buy it did you?"
i shook my head, admitting to my crime
he just laughed
"but i gave you money"
"i'm saving it"
"for what?"
"just in case i guess"

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