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your pov

curiously, i grab a small portion of my knotted up hair and hold it gently in my grip, slowly inching closer to the boundary.
"ah!" i mumble as the electric current travels through my body, making my insides experience a short burning sensation.
boredoms slowly been driving me crazy, i've got no idea how long it's been, but no body's stopped by or even walked past once.
the blue tinted 'lighting glass' as i call it, is the only thing keeping me stuck in this tiny cell, not even my hair can get to the other side.

i've been awake for seemingly hours now and it's like nobody's even realised i'm gone.
"stupid. stupid!"
i mutter to myself under my breath, my voice slightly altered by my sore throat obtained from the past hour of screaming for help i participated in.
why am i here?
well.. i, mean i probably deserve it after mercilessly trying to shatter an innocent gem.
within moments i return back to shouting and yelling whatever word came to mind until faintly hearing a single pair of footsteps approach the small enclosure keeping me immobile.
the three harmless walls were far too strong to break, and the remaining one was just impossible to get through.
there were countless other chambers which mirrored mine exactly, except they were completely devoid of any presence

"let me out!" i yell at him with my destroyed vocal cords
"no way! not after that showdown!"
"i did what i had to!"
"you didn't have to try shatter a gem!"
"pft" i reply with arrogance
"if you didn't go off like that, we could've been back home already"
"i'm not leaving until i find out what she did to those gems!"
"i get that you wanna get answers, and i'll help you find them just not if you handle it like that"
"i won't" i lie, doing anything to get escape
"yeah well it's too late for that"
"i'm not meant to be here! she sent me home days ago because she could take care of you"
"how long has it been..?"
"today's the third day, just be thankful something else occupied her enough to let me finally find you"
"three days? that's why i'm starving"
"m, me too."
"why didn't you just leave?"
"i'm not gonna let her do who knows what to you, now we're getting out of here before she finally comes"
steven looks around a few times before de activating the force field
he helps me to my feet as i cautiously step out and take a long look around, discovering i was a mere speck in one continuous hallway, each side looking like a precise replica of the other.
"were leaving right now, okay? blue can't know i was the one to let you out"
"you're a diamond, why would it be any different if she let me out?"
he mumbles something
"they weren't planning on letting you out"
"you said take care!"
"are you-! they don't care about you!"
"great, so they were just gonna shatter me like they shattered all the others?"
steven pauses before nodding
"what.. really?"
"yes! who knows what they were gonna do with the shards, probably just bubble it away and do something similar to what happened with the rose quartz's "
"the rose quar...what happened to them?"
curiosity from his statement led me to ask
"they got poofed and bubbled away"
"you think that would've happened to me..?"
"yeah, except they don't want your gem in one piece."
this small topic got me wondering.. what would even happen if my gem shattered?
would i die? would i just lose my powers..?
thankfully right now wasn't the time to question, and i'd hopefully never have to imagine the consequences of my gem breaking.

steven turned his back to me, scanning around for a tip on what direction to head.
knowing he simply wanted to leave right away, i decided to execute my shortly devised plan and make a break for it.
i knew he wouldn't shout after me, he definitely wasn't willing to get anyone else's attention.
his footsteps chased briskly after me, steadily catching up, but a slight advantage for me came closer and closer, and right before steven could grab me in anger i switched directions and made a sharp left turn around a barely noticeable corner.
doors upon doors stood before me, all labeled in a strange language i couldn't comprehend.

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