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your pov

my eyes squinted in a foolish attempt of blocking out the beaming sunlight engulfing the room in its 1pm rays
jeez it's late
i think once giving up and accepting the fact that sleep was now in the past
i stretch my legs a bit by straightening them momentarily before blinking my eyes awake, the blurry morning vision quickly fading away

i was halfway through a yawn and ready to rub the sleep from my eyes when i noticed the sleeping position i had been in for the past five hours
stevens chest was pressed firmly against my back as i wore nothing but underwear and his baggy black shirt
my face burned red once i understood the events of last night, but i still wouldn't dream of moving unless i had to.

about five minutes passed until i felt stevens grip on my hand tighten, he had spent the night with his arm resting firmly on my waist as our hands tightly interlocked
i immediately took notice and just assumed he was awake, my guesses being confirmed once i felt him stretch slightly
"morning" he groaned in a soft, hushed voice just in case i was still in a slumber

steven got out of bed before me, the lack of a shirt making me realise the damage i had unknowingly inflicted the night prior.
long red scratches trailed down his bare back but he assured me it was fine, apologising for the hickeys i hadn't even realised were left on my neck
i was a bit unsettled as he left for a shower and left me upstairs trying to figure out how i could hide the marks.
i'm screwed.
i didn't have any makeup to use, the weather was far too hot for a scarf and i definitely didn't plan on spending the next few days inside

steven and i had mutually agreed on going to visit eliza and charlie for the remainder of today until tonights events were ready to start.
earlier yesterday, amethyst had told steven about a beach city drive-in-theatre that was set up for the duration of this week, some throwback movies were playing tonight so we planned on watching those

i heard nicoles upbeat doorbells chime throughout her large house before the door gently swung open, revealing a large clock on the far wall showing the time 2:45pm.
harley peered up at us with big blue eyes through the small gap before opening it fully once realising we weren't a threat.
he called to his mother in the kitchen, and in the process alerting eliza we had arrived.

her smile outshone the hot sun as she raced and tripped over to us before embracing me first
steven was shown an equal amount of love immediately after, causing him to chuckle and pick her up in a hug 

i left him to listen to elizas adorable childish stories and walked my way over to nicole in the kitchen, greeting her and in the process giving her a startle
she turned and smiled once catching herself and drying her wet hands on the red checkered cloth hanging from the ovens handle.
"soda! how are you?"
"heyy nicole" i lean against the kitchen island placed between us "not much, im sorry i haven't stopped by"
"psh" she assures me in her genuine voice "don't be sorry for anything! feel free to come by whenever"
nicole seemed much happier now she had some long lasting company, this fact becoming more and more prominent as the conversation perused

our ten minute long exchange filled with laughs and updates came to its mutual end, so i asked
"wheres charlie?"
"in his room" she got back to her cooking "up the stairs, third on the left"
i thanked her before venturing into the unexplored section of her breathtaking home.

and of course, 2nd story was just as gorgeous as the first; healthy, thriving plants sitting in their own unique pots as they absorbed the sunlight pouring in from their large upstairs window.
this long panel of glass was broken into three seperate sections as it ran down one entire side of their long, ocean themed hallway.
i followed her instructions and turned left, counting my way to the third door before cautiously knocking
everything fell silent for the briefest of moments until i heard
"come in!"
so, i twisted the refurbished vintage doorknob and let myself in
charlie's face lit up as he cleared space for me to sit on the large navy blue sheeted bed
"wow" i did a slow 360° turn to observe the space before taking a seat "your new rooms so cool"
charlie laughed at my amazement and accepted the compliment, not denying it because i mean.. how could you?
it's tall slanted roof along with the vinyl and posters cluttering an entire wall felt like something straight from an 80's movies, and i absolutely adored it
"so, how have you been?"
i answer his query truthfully by telling him i was confused, never reguarding the reasons why but i finished it with the true statement that overall, i was happy

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