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your pov

the morning was new, but accepting my brothers decision to move in with my father was still as difficult as yesterday.. why would you choose to live with someone like that?
it's barely been two weeks since that night, fourteen days and i still haven't seen my dad.
i mean, it's not like i want to.
why does he want to move in with him?
i slump on the couch with my leg shaking in angst until a knock on the door brings me back to the real world
it was charlie
i smile. finally someone who can distract me from my thoughts

"hi?" i question his presence as the red door swings open
"hey.. i think i left my shirt here?"
understanding washes over and i raise my finger up as if to say; one second
quickly, i reach over to the crumpled grey shirt i discovered earlier when tidying the couch
"this one?" i present the creased clothing into view
charlie nods so i hand it over, a large part of me missing his and elizas company
"so.. how's living with nicole?" i prolong the exchange
"good.. i got my own room so that's a bonus"
he explains whilst leaning against the door frame
"you really gotta stop by, eliza misses you"
"i promise ill come over later. you don't have work today, right?"
charlie goes to shake his head no before pausing, realisation quickly striking
"crap, i've got a shift in like half an hour.. but i'm free this afternoon?"
i agree on stopping by an hour or two after his minor shift ends, just to spend a bit of time with him eliza and nicole

"well, i better get going"
we say our goodbyes before i close the door before making  my way upstairs.
in an instant my world falls into darkness, i walked straight into someone.
but instead of falling back and hitting the solid ground, hands gripped my waist and back to prevent my seemingly inevitable fall

slowly and rather confused, i open my eyes with dazed confusion, only to see steven looking down at me with a similar expression.
his eyes wide and filled with a strange desire.
our faces hovered less than a fraction apart but
without another word, his lips press against mine
i was still dumbstruck at this point, but when the situation became lucid, i kissed him back
my stomach swarmed with butterflies and felt indescribably strange, my mind going blank as my nerves spun out of control
the unfamiliar feeling continued as my gem glowed brightly, it's newly transformed purple hue causing me to open my eyes
my body felt strange and different for the shortest amount of time, as if i was a completely new person

a known voice intervenes and startles us, the recently discovered feeling abruptly ending as the glowing light faded
me and steven fell to the ground in shock as charlie stood shocked in doorway.

we both got to our feet and i could see something steadily building up inside of charlie as he glared towards steven
"what." the hybrid doesn't take kindly to the dirty stare
charlie remains silent, rolling his eyes noticeablly before turning to leave
"don't roll your eyes at me"
"steven." i murmur, trying to prevent him from stirring up an issue
"what are you gonna do?" charlie stops and swings back around
"okayy" i step in to disrupt the upcoming scene but with no luck
"you got a problem with me?" steven pushes me out the way in a subtly rough movement, causing me to stumble slightly
"yeah i do, you think the world revolves around you. you do realise you're not the only one with problems, right?"
"when did i say i was?"
charlie grumbles in response from a lack of words

despite my multiple attempts to intervene, the bickering pursued as they moved around the house, stepping away from one another to avoid a possible first punch

"look, you really should get out of my house"
steven warns
"pft, or what? you're gonna use your powers like usual? is that the only way you can fight"
"-well you don't need to fight because this is stupid" i throw myself into the conversation in another weak attempt yo stop their petty argument
a familiar pink bubble surrounds stevens fists in an audible manner, signalling this argument wasnt going to use words anymore.
frantically i took in the surroundings, a small idea sparking as i saw the open bathroom inches away
knowing neither of them cared about my words at this point, i was forced to switch approaches.
in a quick motion i shove steven in, wasting no time in trapping them with a chair to secure the handles movement

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