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your pov

"so, what's the weapon?" bismuth queries
"uh, an axe" i answer
"well show us!" peridot beems, giddily
i stand up with my gem featured hand raised high, moisture was pulled from the humid air, formulating a small floating lake around my palm
in one swift motion i pulled my hand down, the water turning into a sharp solid shape and forming into my detailed axe.

peridot gazed at it impressed
"this is made out of water?"
"i guess?"
"mind if i take a look?"
without me even answering, bismuth observed the grooves and patterns of my weapon, still i nodded despite my consent not mattering anymore.
when they were done i let my unnecessary axe discintegrate before the next question
"so what does your mum look like?"
the small green gem asks, very intrigued
but she cuts me off
"i said that roght, bismuth? mum."
bismuth shrugged
"is that what it is? a mum"
i nod
"i haven't actually seen what she looks like"
"me and you both, never even knew sodalites were a thing!"
bismuth sat down, prompting us to do the same.
we made a small circular formation on the lush green grass while bismuth told us about the time she saw a sodalite
"they were really rare, not only did i see one, i spoke to one."
me and peridot leaned in closer
"back when i was still building for homeworld, a sodalite snuck up behind me, startling me on accident. she was tasked to help design the sea spire which i was to build. all she did was correct my scaffolding mistake then she was on her way"
"was she nice?" i ask
"very polite, that's all i got"
"pretty?" peridot chimes in
"where was her gem?" i was hoping to hear that she had the same gemstone placement as me, maybe she was my mother
"sorry kid, i don't remember"
"well where did she go after the encounter?"
"from up where i was, i couldn't help but look at her. the dresses they got to possess were just so detailed and unique, i saw her isolate herself from the other gems helping with the project before leaving"
"back to homeworld?"
"no, she looked really mischievous and snuck beneath the waves. i didn't bother looking further"
i was rather disappointed with the new information, but maybe she was my mum? after all she was on earth

"hey guys" steven appeared with lapis
the tall blue gem avoided eye contact, standing silently besides steven
"hi" i smile
"soda and i better get going.. catch you around?"
peridot and bismuth were thrilled with the proposal and agreed before steven and i left, lapis however sat muted besides them, taking my place

i waved goodbye and when i turned back, steven had already walked a few feet infront
"little homeworlds nice" i catch up
steven nods rather dryly
"so.. bismuth and peridot seem friendly"
"they are"
we walked in silence until we hit the edge of the forest
it seemed much darker now that the sun was lower in the sky. long shadows were casted by the trees, creating an eerie yet peaceful atmosphere
there was a loud rustling in the bush coming from my side, prompting steven to summon his sheild and place himself between me and the unknown sound
i watched him stare at the surroundings before yanking me along much faster now
"what's wrong?"
"steven what's wrong?"
"nothing, i just don't like the dark"
i stop, and steven is forced to do the same clearly not wanting me alone in the woods
"steven you literally fought corrupted gems, i know the dark doesn't scare you"
"ugh" he groans "just stop asking and let's leave"
"why can't you just tell me why you're acting like a lunatic!"
another sound starts, i can hear it from behind me
steven stops glaring at me and looks further past
a new shadow was casted, much taller and bigger than mine
slowly i turn and step back until i'm besides steven again
"jasper" he mutters
"look i don't want to fight now, not while she's here"
i was confused, fight?
"why not? don't wanna lose infront of her?"
the giant formerly corrupted gem snickers
steven grits his teeth at the remark
"do you remember the way out?" steven turns back to me
"go home"
"go home!"
i'm startled by stevens anger and do as he says, well atleast i pretend to
once stevens focus turns back to jasper, i take the opportunity to hide amongst the tall looming trees
"you can throw the first punch again"
jasper smirks
"i always do, how about you try"
jasper smiles before throwing a first at steven, which is instantly blocked by a sheild
he pushed his sheild which sends her flying back, knocking over trees and causing birds to flee their homes
she laugh and gets to her feet, throwing punch after punch at steven
some were blocked but some made their way through his defences, adding more injuries to his wounded body
before i knew it, steven was trapped under his sheild, almost being crushed against the dirt by jaspers immense strength
"come on steven, it's never this easy to knock you down. when are you going to really try?"
steven doesn't answer, but i could see the frustration on his face
jasper could too, she continued insulting him and digging for something within him, she was waiting for something to happen
"why don't you punch me steven?"
"why don't you hurt me, rose."
steven shudders underneath his sheild, anger being bottled up inside him
jasper grins the biggest smile
"why don't you shatter me, pink"

despite the distance, it was impossible to not see something go off inside steven, his expression changed and he finally snapped
"be quiet !"
he pushes his sheild up with his legs and arms, launching jasper high before she falls to the ground with a thump, landing on her back
"i'm not rose"
his body drastically changes it's hue, hes suddenly engulfed in a new pink colour
steven strides towards the fallen gem, who was still chuckling, clearly satisfied with angering steven
"and i'm not-"
he surrounds his blood stained fists in a spiked pink bubbled
"pink diamond!"

a big smoke cloud accompanied by a loud thrash muted everything else in the forest
i shudder behind the greenery until the dust from stevens final punch settles
"steven!" i expose myself and run towards him
"soda. i said to leave!"
his pink colour reverts back to normal
"what did you do!"
he looks down to see jaspers gem on the ground, partnered with a newly formed crack

he covers his mouth before picking up the damaged stone
"i didn't mean to!" he stutters
"we just fight because it makes her happy! and it lets me get rid of my anger!"
"steven, you need to fix it!"
he heals it, still shaking but it thankfully works,
yet steven isn't relieved
"it's okay, she's going to be okay"
i put my bandaged hand on his shaking shoulder
"i'm not pink! i don't crack gems! i don't do this!"
he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to himself
nevertheless, i correct him
"you're not pink, this was an accident"
"volleyball said pink did it on accident, i'm just ask bad as her!"
volleyball? i have no idea who that was
"you're not her, and you're not like her! don't let jasper get to your head"

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