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your pov

steven and i hurried away once we glimpsed jaspers now sealed gem begin to reform, neither of us were ready to fight again
once out of sight, we settled to a slower walking paste through the remaining dense and dimly lit forest
i could barely even see any flat land or structures from where i was standing, but good thing i like long walks
"so how's your wrist doing?" steven asks, reminding me of the injury i had completely forgotten about despite the eye catching bandage
"it's not sore anymore"
"well i'm guessing you don't want the scar right?"
"yeah, i'd rather not have slut calved into my skin" i joke
i began trying to untie the tight knot with my one free hand but when steven saw my obvious struggle, he did it himself
however when the bandages were off, only blood stains were visible, there was no wound or scar to prove of any existing injury
"how?" steven raises an eyebrow
he and i were equally confused
"did you already heal it?"
"if i did, you wouldn't have had the bandage on"
now i felt dumb asking the question
"well i guess it wasn't a deep cut after all"
stevens face showed he clearly thought otherwise, but that was the end of the topic

the wind slowly began picking up speed over the next half an hour, all the trees looked the same, yet steven assured me the woods nearing an end point
i thanked the stars when the howling wind calmed down, no more knots in my hair to untangle later.
(i'm really sorry if you don't have hair)
but right as i finished my silent praise, a few droplets of water splashed the surrounding ground
"crap" steven whispered under his breath.
i just sighed, i could see the tops of houses and shops from here but you still had to squint to see them
as i tried guessing the distance and how long the walk would take from here, a cold hand grabbed my arm and pulled me under a lonesome tree
"you think the trees gonna help?"
"that's just to lean on"
steven sat down against the thick trunk, prompting me to do the same
side by side we sat under his glowing pink sheild being treated as an umbrella.
we were both already drenched by this point, but it still helped prevent the harsh splashes of the loud pouring rain
my your/colour/hair was stuck to my cheeks and drenching my back, i really regret not wearing something cozier
i huddled in my own warmth before feeling something soft getting wrapped around me.
steven took his jacket off and put it around my damp shoulders, now revealing his black and gold shirt with wripped sleeves
"what a clique" i joked
"you looked like you were about to freeze"
"well now you do"
he shrugged and looked off into the distance
i slumped into his shoulder and he rested his head slightly on mine with a sigh
"how long do you think the rains gonna last?"

stevens pov

hopefully forever.
i thought.
i liked this, just me and soda. i'd prefer the sun to be out so i wouldn't have to risk getting sick, but if it meant i could be close to her, i can deal with it.
why does it matter?
i don't even like her like that though
i'd rather be here with connie, except she's studying 24/7 and doesn't even like the woods

"i have no idea"
"can't you call someone?"
"my phones at home" i lied
why did i lie? i could just call someone to drive out here, theres enough room for a car or two to drive through the trees if they were careful, and if not there's definitely a road close by.
thankfully she didn't question my fib anymore and we sat awhile longer in silence, both of us with a small pink tint from the transparent umbrella
to my right was soda, shivering and drenched. to my left was a small newly flooded crater, acting as a small reflective puddle
it was awfully clear and could almost be used as a slightly foggy mirror
despite the bad quality, i was forced to see my prominent diamond eyes. everytime i saw them i get reminded how much of my mother shows in me.
my hair. which thankfully wasn't pink
my powers were a mirror of hers
we share identical eyes
and now i feel like my personality is getting worse than hers

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