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"Antonio Racetrack Higgins put that match down right now!!!!" Race turned his head to face Davey, the match still hovering over the bottle of vodka.
"Yous can't tell me what ta do; I's older than you!!!" Race crossed his arms and smirking, the still lit match dangling carelessly between his fingers. Davey grabbed the match and blew it out before Race could accidentally set the lodging house aflame.
"By 15 days!" He retorted.
"Exactly!" Race grinned. "An' 15 days is basically a month, an there is 12 months so's that means that I's older by...30 por-cent of a year!" He put his cigar back into his mouth, proud of himself. Davey massaged his temples, exasperated.
"That math is not even remotely accurate..." Race glared at him. "...but whatever helps you sleep at night. Just don't kill anyone, alright?" Davey looked at Race, wearily and warningly, one last time before walking out. Race turned back to the bottle, shrugged, and downed the entire thing.

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