Episode 1

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Your POV


Makoto, Nagisa and I watch Haru as he swims from one end of the pool to the other. He always swam so wonderfully and it never ceases to amaze me.

I met Haru, Makoto, and Nagisa when I first joined the Iwatobi Swim Club. I was shy at first, but I started to warm up to everyone around the third week of me being here. I usually get the same question about my eyes. My left eye is (E/C) while my right eye was a different shade of (F/C). It was natural for someone to ask about them and it was also natural that I get weird looks from others saying that my eyes aren't normal. But when Haru first started talking to me, he told me that it doesn't what others thought about my eyes and that they were beautiful in their own way. His words made me comfortable and gave me more confidence in myself. Then I started hanging out with Nagisa and Makoto and our friendship went from there.

"He swims so amazingly", I say.

"Yeah! Like a dolphin!", Nagisa says excitedly.

Then a boy with maroon hair stands in the lane right next to him, slapping his goggle strap onto his head and dives into the pool right after Haru. I saw that he swims just as fast he Haru does.

"Who's that?", Nagisa asks.

"That's Rin Matsuoka", Makoto answers, "He just transferred into our class."

We watch as they practically race each other and, as always, Haru ends up being the fastest. As his head reaches the surface, he pulls off his goggles and shakes the water out of his wet hair.

Makoto holds his hand out to pull the blue-eyed boy out of the pool.

"And you're still fastest in the water, Haruka", Makoto says with a cute smile.

"When will you stop calling me 'Haruka'?", Haru asks as he lets Makoto pull him out of the pool.

"You're so fast! Someday I want to swim just like you!", Nagisa says.

"You will one day, Nagisa", I say with a smile.

"I guess the rumors were true. You are pretty fast", I hear Rin say to Haru", So, do you know what your time is?"

"I don't care about the sort of thing", Haru says while turning his head.

I sigh and lightly shake my head. Haru is usually like this and you could barely get a smile to come onto his face.

"So, I see you're gonna hold onto your reputation", Rin says, "Hey, I was wondering if you want to swim in the next tournament with me."

It takes few second for Haru to say, "I only swim free" then jumping back into the water.

"Sorry about that. You'll usually get an answer like that from him", I say to Rin.

"No, it's fine", he says then takes another look at me, "Aren't you that girl people talk about at school?"

"Yeah. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you."

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