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Disclaimer!!!⚠️:None of these pictures are mine and YESSSS IT'S ANOTHER STUD4STUD BOOK. NIGGA COOCHIE BUMPING NIGGA COOCHIE 😭 if you'n like it then oh well.

Vic pov

Everything goes in slow motion, I steal the ball from the other team and run down the court, it's

Home: 59
Away: 60

Seeing only three seconds on the clock I look seeing defense blocking and I know I won't be able to lay up I stop and shoot from the half court line and everything moves in slow motion
Everything around me disappear and all I can hear is my heart racing a ringing in my ears and feel the sweat dripping down my forehead. I watch the ball spin and hits the backboard then circle around the rim I close my eyes praying.

Next thing you know I'm being thrown up in the air and I hear the crowds screaming. As I'm in the air I look in the crowd hopping to see my mother. To my displeasure I don't see her. I feel an emptiness in my chest.


I look at the scoreboard

HOME: 62
AWAY: 60

I smile. We won the nationals. We actually won yo...It just all seems surreal.

My team carries me to the locker room then sets me down.
Everyone is patting me on the back and all I could do is give them a tight smile.

My bestfriend comes up to me and gives me a smile of empathy.

She hugs me and I hug back my throat burning

"It's okay, I know she wasn't there. It's okay, you scored the winning point, our team is your family. We're here for you." I feel tears dripping down my cheeks and she pulls back smiling wiping them. I look behind her seeing the coach and the team looking at me sympathetically.

I slap them away

"Get on with da gay shit." I try to lighten the mood and my bestfriend rolls her eyes and the team laughs

"Alright girls, we did good, even if we would've lost we made it further than any other team, we've beat a division one team. Not long ago were we a division 3 now look. We grew together and I'll miss you guys after this season is over, you guys helped me as more than a coach but as a person. Most of my girls are seniors, it's going to be hard to make a whole new team without you guys. Known most of you since y'all was little freshman's, could barely make a lay up and now look at y'all." Coaches voice cracks and I look around noticing some of the girls trying to hold their tears back

"GROUP HUG!" I yell and pull in everyone.

We laugh and hug each other tightly.

"Now let's go celebrate, pizza and ho-" I stop seeing the coaches glare

"And homework." I catch myself scratching my neck

She smiles walking out "meet me out at the bus, girls."

"Yes coach." We say in unison

A comfortable silence feel upon the team and we start putting our teams outfit on and pack everything up.

I was the last one to walk out and I shiver as I step out into the cold.
When we arrived it was light now it's pitch black dark.

I see the bus in the parking lot and I feel eyes on me as I start walking.

I pick up the pace feeling a presence behind me and I start sprinting hearing feet behind me.

I don't look back, I feel a hand touch my back and I scream seeing the bus doors open I jump on falling into the bus drivers lap turning around seeing nothing behind me.

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