After school

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After that news everyone went out to celebrate besides me. I needed time to myself, today has just been a crazy day and I need to go to sleep.

I decided to shoot hoops until 5 and then pack my stuff up and go home.

I hop in the car and try to start it

"Brrrrr....ppffff" the car makes a weird sound and doesn't start. I try again and it makes the same sound.

I smack my lips getting out grabbing all my personal things. I get out the car slamming the door locking it.

I'll call triple A when I get home.

I start my walk shivering when a breeze goes by.
I hear something behind me and I turn around not seeing anything

"Stop trippin..." I say to myself and continue to walk picking up the pace noticing how  quickly it's becoming dark.


I jump but notice it's my phone. I grab it seeing it was from Instagram.

I feel hands grab me one covering my mouth the other pulling me into an allyway

I start fighting and swinging. I bite their hand

"Fuck, you stupid dyke ass bitch." A male voice say throwing me on the ground causing me to hit my head and I go crossed eyed for a second

"HELP!!!" I scream while trying to get him off of me.

My head snaps to the side as he smacks me

"Shut the fuck up"
He rips my shirt off and I start fighting harder

I start patting around for anything and I feel something metal and hit him in the head with it.

He falls to the side and I scramble to get up. I look down in my hand and it's a gun.

I point it as him as he starts to get up

"Don't move..." my hands are shaking as he looks up at me and smirks

I stands up and takes a step towards me and I step back

"You not gon shoot me babygirl, so just put the gun down and come to poppa." He smile that sinister smile I know all too well.


His body slumps and falls to the ground and I gasp and trip over my own feet...
"The fuck did I do...I didn't pull the trigger."

I grab my shirt and bag, stuffing the gun in it. I take off running out the alley and into the street
lights blind me

"HONK HONKKK....skerrrrrt"

Everything goes black.

A/N It's short Ik, more of a filler

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