1 way ticket 2 hell

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I groan internally as the creature on the bed won't stop moving and making noise

"FUCK, WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY!"  I smack it's mouth accidentally allowing it to be able to talk again.


"Oh hush puny human." I wave my hand dismissing it.

"Like I didn't know that already." I walk away towards the shelf up against the wall

"I CANT WAIT UNTIL VIC FINDS OUT." I turn around quickly my eyes pitch black and in a blink of an eye I'm on top of her

"What's your name again?" I growl out

Her eyes widen with fear and her body tenses up.

"Hm?" I drag my claw from her chin down to her neck and collarbone ripping off the shirt she had on causing her body to shiver.

"Aye man, chill out, the names Shawn."

I nod my head "I know." I smirk hopping off and walking back to the shelf opening up a jaw of souls.

"So why'd you ask?" I grab one and put the jar back.

I walk over to her dangling it over her mouth. She closes her mouth.

"You see this? This is going to be you if you keep talking." I bring it closer to her mouth and she closes it tightly scrunching up her neck trying to get away

I chuckle evilly and move it away. Going back and putting it in a jar.

"Now, you only talk when I tell you to, understand?" I can tell she nodded her head and it didn't register in her head that I'm turnt around but I decide to fuck with her alittle

"I SAID, UNDERSTAND?" My voice booms.


"Yes, what?"

I hear her breath hitch

"I honestly don't know what to call you, massa, devil, Diablo,." I growl popping up infront of her choking her

"I am not the devil, no where near that, just call me sin, got it?"

She nods her head tugging at the restraints.

"Or daddy." I smirk

She makes an unsettling sound in her throat

"I'll let you go if you promise to be a good girl." I play with the chains connected to the bed and her arms

"Mane, just let me go, where else can I go? I'm in hell LITERALLY!" She yells at the end

I grab her by her hair yanking her head back. She lets out the most feminine moan.

"I- Aw shit, just kill me." Her face starts to turn a rosy color and I chuckle.

I snap my fingers and the restraints disappear.

She sits up rubbing her wrist sitting crisscross applesauce

She looks at me suspiciously and I smile

She gives me a confused look and look to the side and I continue to stare at her with a wide smile

I guess it's starting to bother her because she starts squirming

"STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THATTTTTT." She blows up covering her mouth

I laugh loudly skipping to the shelf pulling out a book and she rolls off the bed.

"Calm down, I was waiting until you snapped." I sit down in the rocking chair reading

The autobiography of Malcolm X


Those sounds kept interrupting my reading I put the book down looking at her with raised eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" I ask because that sound was becoming annoying

"Yeah I'm- UURRRRR" I look at her stomach and start laughing

"I forgot you humans have to eat." I stand up and look at my watch.

"Oh shit, I'll be back with your food, don't go anywhere." I stare at her for a good minute before running out and locking the big cement door behind me.

Do me a favor, pick me up, take me out later, don't worry about no paper, cause I got my stacked up for nights like this.

The fuck is that??


I take out this flat phone with an apple on the back. I hold it up scared I'm going to break it with how flimsy it is.

I see the name "Bubble buddy"

I answer "hello?"

"Shawn?" I hear Victoria voice says confusingly

I cough changing my voice

"Yeah, wassup witchu" I cringe as speak with slang.

"Nun, was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies and watch the nun with me."

I smirk licking my lips

"I would love to, when?"

"Um...maybe the 10 o'clock show, tonight?" I start doing a dance


I stop and fix myself
"Oh yeah, we can fa sho. I'll pick you up" I bite my bottom lip

She bust out laughing

"What's so funny?"

"BITCH we live at the same house." My blood boils when she calls me that and I go to cuss her out but I close my mouth forgetting I'm not who she think I am.

"Haha I knew that." I say trying to play it off as a joke.

"Well see you then." She says shyly

"Mmhm, you too shawty."
I gag internally

She laughs and hangs up.

I look down at the phone seeing the home screen.

Ohhh this Shawn phone.

Looks like I have a date to attend to.

"DAMN! A BITCH HUNGRY." I hear Shaw say through the door.

Oh I forgot.

A/N happy holidays!! Start off your New Years right.❤️❤️❤️

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