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Sin pov

I know they may hate me but I couldn't help it, I shouldn't have done it. I do hate myself for bringing them into this but I needed to.

They are-

"Sin..." I lift my head from out the book with raised eyebrows hearing Vic call out to me.

"Yes?" I glance at Shawn seeing her playing with the radio.

"When do you think we can finally go back up?" She looks down at her hands playing with her fingers.

I close the book sighing.

"We can tomorrow if you would like?" I cross my legs leaning back in the chair

Both of their heads snap up and they look like deers caught in headlights.

"Seriously?! Wait, tomorrow Earth or tomorrow here?" Shawn ask dropping the radio.

"Tomorrow here which is like...never here." I chuckle and pick the book back up and they start to whine.

"Come on please please please." I feel hands on my legs and I peek seeing Shawn in her knees infront of me. My eyes widen as she starts climbing up on top of me.

I freeze as she is straddling my waist begging. I feel a stir in my pelvis.

I push her off but accidentally push her too hard. As she ends up hitting the wall. Her body going limp.

Me and Vic gasp standing up quickly

She stops me
"Stop you've done enough, all we wanted was to see the one thing you stripped from us one last time." She glares at me running towards Shawn.

I clench my fist feeling fire surge through my body but I close my eyes pushing it away.

When I open them Vic is laying Shawn on the bed. I walk up to them and Vic scoots closer to her moving her away from me.

I reach out to touch her but I feel a sting on my hand.

I know this human did not just pop me.

I glare at her and she flares back.

" I'm trying to help." I say yanking Shawn from her.

"You've done enough" Vic says yanking her back.

"Just let me see her." I pull her to me.

"No!" She says back

And we get into tug a war using Shawn's body.

"Give me her, I just want to fix what I messed up." I say tugging Shawn by her legs

"Just let her rest." Vic says through gritted teeth, pulling at her arms

"I will once you let me see her for a second." I tug harder

"Fine." She lets go and me and Shawn's body flies off the bed. Tripping over my own feet, I fall to the floor her landing on top of me.

I groan "damn she heavier than she looks."

"Oh my god-"

"What is with everyone calling my uncle?"

"Is Shawn okay?"

She looks over the bed.

I look up with a straight face "I'm perfectly fine under this hippo."

"I am not a hippo." I jump not expecting her to say that so close to my ear, her breath fanning across my cheek.

"Shawn, you're okay?"

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