Gates are opened.

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Finally, she's done it, now she's all mine.

I dial my uncle's number.

"What do you want?" His voice grumbles

"Who knew god could be so grumpy." I say smirking

"What do you want child?"

" of your children isn't pure anymore." I say devilishly.

"You set them up didn't you."
He says matter of factually.

I gasp holding my chest "why would I do such a thing?"

"You're lying."

"Damn I forgot you can tell when anyone lies."

"Do not use that language with me, now who is it?"

"Shouldn't you know that?"

"Unless you want me to read every name that is sinning I'd advise you tell me their name." 

"Victoria Wyoming Wright."

"Goodness, you must've been stalking if you know their full name. But lemme see."

"Ah yes, I says the person she killed was trying to sexually assault her...that doesn't seem like a sin to me."

"But in the Bible-"

"Forget the Bible if everything in that book made by white people was true, you'd be a boy and it would be hot down there, and every single one of the people up here would be down there so, fuck the Bible."

"Did you just cuss?? OOOOH IM TELLING AUNTIE MARY." I hung up the phone screaming.

Fine since he doesn't want to give me her I'll just take her.

Vic pov

I yawn waking up, cracking my back.

"Slept good?" I jump looking in the corner seeing that waitress

"Aye yo, you dat chick that be catering to every restaurant I went to."
She stoop up and I hopped up almost laughing at the height difference

I stand at a good 5'11 while she's  a good 5'4

"How you get in my house? Who let you in?"

"I know you killed him."

I froze up remembering that night

"I AM INNOCENT" I yell tears prickling my eyes

"But didn't you kill him?"

"N-" she gives me this look that causes chills to run down my spine

"Okay, YES. But it was in self defense, he was about to SEXUALLY ASSULT ME." I yell at the end as anger bubbles up inside of me

"But you killed him." She says with a sinister smirk on her face

I let out a breath of defeat knowing that I'm fucked

"Fine go ahead, tell the cops I don't care."

She steps up to me and somehow we're face to face.

She smirks "oooh babygirl, naw they can't equal the amount of hell imma put you through, literally."

She pecks my lips leaving me stuck and she opens my door walking out.

I walk after her

"Aye bi-" I stop not seeing anybody.

"AYE SHAWN?!" I holler

"STOP HOLLERING IN MY HOUSE." My mother yells from her room.

"I can't wait til you gotta another business meeting in a different country." I roll my eyes turning around almost jumped out my skin

"What were about to call me?" Her eyes are pitch black and her veins are prominent through her forehead and her arms...why are they black...?yeah time to go.

I run jumping down all the stairs looking back I see her at the top smirking.

Reaching the door I throw it open but bump into a wall. would there be a wall infront of the door.

I look up seeing coach, I stand up dusting myself off.

It looks like she's been crying.
"Hey coach, you okay? What's wrong?"

"Shawn's dead."

My heart stops and everything goes black



Now it's my time to shine.

I smirk looking to my left seeing my little pawn tied up to the bed.

"GOD, HELP MEEEE" the mutt yells

I hiss walking over to them seeing them struggle against the ropes.

I cover their mouth causing it to seal close.

My hand runs from their face down their chest, rubbing inbetween their legs causing them to jump and caressing their thighs.

Closing my eyes I feel my body shaping theirs.

I open my eyes seeing them look at me horrified.


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