Decieving pt 2

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Vic pov

Waking up I look around noticing I'm in bed.

Who in the world keeps putting me in bed?

These...hallucinations are just getting worst and worst. Hopefully this time I go to school it won't be as bad.

I do my normal routine but something felt off about today. I don't know what but I just feel very paranoid...I mean I have valid reasons but it's just...weird.

My mom is finally on another business trip and she didn't want me driving so she hid her keys I found them next to box I almost hurl thinking about it.

I get into my car and drive to school. I pop a couple of Tylenol's knowing I would gain a headache. I look at the clock and didn't even realize I was late.

I don't even grab my bookbag for school and walk in. I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I sigh heavily hoping they'd get I don't wanna be bothered and continue walking not wanting to be bothered. I look up once I'm tapped again.

I roll my eyes shaking my head and continue walking not thinking much of it. Opening my locker I close it right back

"I won't be doing any work."

"Awe bestie, you miss me so much that you can't even do your work without me?" I freeze and squeeze my eyes closed knowing the devil is a lie because she's dead.

I continue walking to the first hour me and Shawn had.

"Damn, come back from the dead and this is the hello I got."

"I'm tripping balls." I say to myself

"I'm finna trip yo ugly ass if you don't turn the fuck around." I turn around quickly but the hallway was empty

My heart aches and I hold back the tears that threatened to fall. I turn back around

"BOO!" I scream falling on my butt.

I'm stuck in shock. The face that I have been missing...the body I've been craving...the voice I've been dying to hear and smile I've been wanted to see...she's not dead?

Her face is red and tears slip down her cheeks as she's laughing so hard.

I'm still froze in shock.

She stops laughing once she notice the horrid look on my face.

She pouts and opens up her arms "well don't just stand there, come here."

I scramble up running into her arms crying into her chest.

"Shhh it's okay, I know I know." I start punching her

"Ow, ow, ow, why?, OW!"

"For scaring me like that you fucking idiot." I sniff

"Aweee look at all big and bad Victoria crying over wittle olé me."

I raise my fist and she backs up with her hands up to shield her face.

"Not the face not the face!"

I roll my eyes pulling her into another hug and we stand there for who knows how long.

She pulls back and kisses my
lips softly. My stomach does and back flip and I feel butterflies. Damn...this ain't never happen before.

She starts kissing down my neck and my body starts to heat up
"Fuck" I push her away catching my breath

"Uh, uh not finna get caught up, come on let's go." I grab her wrist pulling her into first hour with me. But she pulls back.
I turn around with a confused look.

"What's wrong?" I ask tilting my head

"I'm just nervous that I'll get a bad reaction from everyone."

I look at her confused "you're Shawn...why would you be scared of that?"

She's usually never scared or nervous.

A look of realization pops on her face

"Oh right, duh imma bad bitch." She pushes past me and walk into the room all dramatic. I follow behind her and the class falls silent.

"S-Shawn?" The teacher stutters out

"The one and only" she smirks and goes to sit in the back where we usually sit. But it was covered in bear, notes and writing.

"Aweee for meeee??" She holds her chest and wipe her fake tears.

Everyone is still quiet staring in shock

She wraps all of it in her arms.

"Vic take a pic!" She smiles

I take out my phone and go to camera what I see makes me drop my phone.

It was the thing I saw in the bathroom when I was showering.

"S-Shit, S-Sorry my hands are shaky." I give a tight smile

I pick up the phone and points the camera back at her and it's still that thing.

I look up seeing Shawn, I look down at the screen seeing the monster.

I take a couple pictures in different angles.

"Alright I'm done."

"cool let me see." She jogs over and I hand her the phone

"Ayeee this shitz Fire asf yo, send me them." She hands me my phone back and I look at the pictures.

They came out as her. that's so weird.

We sit down and the teacher can hardly get through the lesson without stuttering.

I feel someone staring holes into the side of my face and I turn towards Shawn but she's looking down at her phone.

I turn my head back to the board but from my peripheral vision I see her head slowly rise up and turns towards me.

Why do I have this weird feeling in my gut something isn't right.

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