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"Don't worry love, it only lasts for a while." I hear a strange and chilling voice say

"Huh?? What are you talking about?" I ask spinning around only seeing darkness

Then I see silver and red eyes 
And I stop as they stare into my soul.

It shows it's big smile that goes from cheek to cheek. I start backing away and then take off into nowhere.

"YOU CANT RUN!" The voice yells close to my ear
I cry out tripping over my feet but catching myself

"COME BACK HERE!!!" It sounded distant but I push further.

I start to see a light but everytime I get close it gets further away.

"NOO!!! NO, NO"  a demonic voice growls

I feel something grab my ankles and I hit my head on the floor as it drags me away

"LET ME GO, LET ME GO." I start kicking

"YOU'RE MINE NOW." They start laughing and dragging me further away from the light.


I jump up looking around seeing as I'm in class.
Everyone was looking at me worried and I try to calm down my breathing.

"Victoria, are you okay?"
My math teacher ask.

I keep looking around making sure I don't see anything And the bell rings.

I grab my bookbag and dash out bumping into someone.
"Oh shit, my bad." I look up, seeing that waitress from that pizza place and the silver eyes.

I squeeze my eyes closed and open them and now I see Shawn.

I need to go home.

She helps me up and I groan.

"You okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" She ask wrapping her arms around my waist and kiss my forehead

"Naw I need a blunt." I mumble
"I gotchu, come on." She walks us towards the door and I follow

"Where do you guys think you're going?" I snap my head up seeing our coach.


"Just be back before our last meeting," she walks away into her office.

Me and Shawn look at eachother shockingly not expecting her to let us go. I guess since the season over she don't need our grades to be in tiptop shape.

We run out before the security guard could see us and I unlock my car and we hop in and I drive off.

She reaches into her bag and already pull out a Rollie.

"I thought you didn't smoke?" She look at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Shid I don't but I've been tripping and I just need to relax and eat."

We pull into the a vacant parking lot and she lights it up and takes a puff.

Instead of letting me get my hit she grabs my chin and kiss me letting the smoke flow into my body.

I moan but then take the blunt out her hands pulling away taking my hit closing my eyes feeling the marijuana work it's magic as the relaxation take my body.

"You feel better?" I look at her with hooded eyes nodding my head

"I'm hungry though." My tummy grumbles.

"Let's go to the cafe across the street then head back to school for coach." She suggested.

I nod my head passing her the blunt starting up the car and driving to the cafe.

We get inside and I smell all sorts of food.

"Mmmm, come on let's get a seat." Shawn pulls us to a booth and I sit across from her.
I grab a menu and look through it

All of a sudden a chill goes through my body and I shiver.

"Hello my name is sinerita and I'll be your waitress today." I snap my head up and it's that other waitress.

"Aye ain't chu dat..?" Sinerita snaps her head toward Shawn and it's like she forgot what she said

"W-what was I saying?" She says more to herself

"May I get your drinks?" She smiles sinisterly

"Yeah some holy water." I grumble

"The fuck did you just say?" A deep and dark voice ask.

I feel a heavy pain in my head and I start holding my head.

"Ah fuck." I feel my high go away

I start to hyperventilate but before it got too serious the pain went away.

When I open my closed eyes she's setting a water infront of me.

"What would you like to eat?" She had her note pad out

Shawn orders as if she's been here before and I look at the menu

"Uhh I'll have the croissant with sausage, bacon, fried eggs and cheese." I say putting the menu up.

She walks away.

The hell was that dream? Why am I tripping so much. I'm literally going insane.

"Here you go" she sets down my plate and I dig in moaning at the taste.

"Somebody put they damn foot in this food." I say with a mouth full of food.

I look at the time and almost choke on food

"FUCK WE GOT THREE MINUTES." I yell jumping up.

"Oh shit." She tried shoving all the food in her mouth

"Here go boxes and it's on me." That weird waitress hands boxes to us and we dump our food before running off

"Thanks ma!" I yell behind me.

That weed getting to me.

We get into the car and I speed down to the school. I look at my clock

"One minute!"

We sprint into the school and towards the gym. Busting into the doors I trip over my feet and tumble down causing Shawn to trip over me

"Just in time girls, now that we're all here I'm wanted to all let you know...you all have full ride scholarships to any college you want."

For a whole minute it's silent then filled with screams and cheers and we bear hug coach.

Not knowing that my life was about to be fucked up.

Hell's mirrors (stud4stud)Where stories live. Discover now