Its time

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Vic pov

After school I went back onto the computer to do more research. I hear a weird sound from shawn's room. Like a phone ringing.

I get up hearing it constantly ring.

I go to her room opening the door seeing this thick brick type phone ringing.

I answer it

"My name is Shawn and I've been kidnapped by your apparent niece."


I hear a groan and movement

"Here she go with this shit."
Who the hell is that?

"She's done this before?" Who is she? And how is Shawn talking to whoever when the phone is here?

"Yes, plenty of time but by the time I know they're dead."

I'm so confused yo.

"Who are you?" Shawn asked

"Well, you're in hell and I'm not, take a guess."



"Yes, god-"

"ABRAHAM LINCOLN!" I face palm, that's for sure Shawn cause nobody but her stupid ass would think that.

At least I was close enough

"I- wow, wow. Never in my forever years of living.."
I hear lots of shuffling and and another familiar voice fills the air.

"Hey sorry unc"

"Sin, I know you aren't back to your old ways."

Sin...? Sounds familiar

"no I'm not"

"Wait, you asked me about a girl named Victoria, you do know if anyone of them finds out it's your ass." ....God...cussing?

"I know I know but I have a plan"

"This plan better not end with neither of them dead." He says sternly

"if I wanted to she'd be dead by now. Look I have to go, bye." The phones hang up.

I accidentally drop the phone and when I look down it's cracked open. I gasp and cuss picking up both pieces trying to put it back together.

I sit down in the ground and look inside both of the pieces seeing a red button.

Now I know I knowww
You never hit the red button

Butttttt, I'm not tryna die today.

I click it and it makes this weird sound and the phone attaches back together.

On the screen it shows a white and red side.

I click the red side and I'm blinded by a light


I feel a blast of wind hits me and I open my eyes look around seeing a dark corridor.

Hell's mirrors (stud4stud)Where stories live. Discover now