Chapter 2

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aaaaand here is chapter 2!

Really hoping to upload more frequently. I have a few chapters written already, so for now i'll be uploading mostly everyday, then i'll slow down a bit with the uploads :)

Gabriella Rodriguez

School finished at 3:30, I had to pick Mateo and Elena up from school, take them to Lizzie's house, and then I had a shift at the cafe at 4. I ran down the street towards their primary school hoping they would be outside waiting. I got to the school and it was practically empty. I saw them sitting at the bus stop just talking to each other.

"Elena, Mateo, I have a shift at 4, and I have to take you to Lizzie's. Come on". They both shot up from where they were sitting, ran towards me and gave me a big hug with smiles on their faces.

We all ran down the street to get to Lizzie's house. She lived 3 blocks away so it wasn't too much of a trek to get to hers.

Elena was holding my hand and Mateo was holding hers. We were running and giggling at the same time. We were about 5 minutes away from Lizzie's house, so we started to pick up pace.

"Gabbie, my legs hurt" Elena said slowing down. I stopped in my tracks to make sure she was okay.

"Come on El, we're so close." I said to her as I bent down to her level.

"I can't" she said on the brink of tears. "What If I carried you?" i asked her. Her face instantly lit up.

"Okay, get on my back and hold on tight." I said to her as she walked around me ready to climb on my back.

"Mateo, are you okay to run still?" I asked him hoping he would say yes.

"Yes. I'm faster than you," he said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh really now?" I play along.

"Yep. Last one to Lizzie's is a rotten egg" Mateo said, instantly running off with a laugh. I was right behind him running the whole way. All three of us laughing hard.

We eventually got to Lizzie's, Mateo beating us, and I had ten minutes to get to work. I rang the doorbell and we waited patiently for someone to open it. Lizzie's mum, Samantha opened the door.

"Oh Gabbie! How are you?" Samantha says opening the door for us to come in. "Hi Samantha. I'm fine how are you?" I asked her. Samantha gives Mateo and Elena a hug.

"I'm great. Are you staying for dinner or is it just these little rascals?" she says with a grin ruffling Mateo's hair.

"I would love to, but I have a shift at the cafe until late tonight. It's okay if they stay right?" I ask her hoping she'll say yes.

"You know they're always welcome," she said to me with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it Samantha," I say to her

"I know you do sweetie. Now go before you're late for work" she says as she's pushing me out the door.

"Okay Okay I'm leaving." I say to her. I turn to Elena and Mateo "You both be good, and help Samantha if she needs anything" I say and give them both a hug and a kiss.

I got to the café a few minutes late, I really fucking hope my boss doesn't notice, I desperately need the money. I signed in and went to my locker to get my uniform. I put my school bag in my locker and took my uniform and apron. I went to the bathroom to change.

After I got changed, I went out the front to take customers' orders. J's Café, which is where I work, isn't very busy, normally just elderly people come in, but I don't mind it. Jessica, my boss, is the sweetest person ever. She knows I work a lot so she doesn't try and push me too hard. She's in her late fifties, so she's kind of like a parental figure in a way.

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