Chapter 7

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Gabriella Rodriguez

It's been about two weeks since the whole almost kissing Harry thing. Not only did I have to stress about avoiding Harry, but I had my rent to worry about, and I was behind.

Well I can't exactly avoid Harry, considering I'm in his class right now. He goes on and on about the American Revolution, which I have no idea what it's about, nor do I have the intention of learning.

I'm not going to go into details because honestly, I have no idea what's happening. I feel so captivated by his presence that I have no idea what he's even talking about. Just watching the way his lips move, the deep pink shade, a colour any girl would use multiple lipsticks to achieve.

My eyes were stuck on his hands. I couldn't look away. They were massive to say the least. The way he made hand gestures to exaggerate his words and keep the class listening was sexy as hell. Something about his damn hands. The few tattoos on his hands drawing me in more than i already was.

I move my eyes back up this face to analyse his other features. I could stare at him for hours. The way his eyebrows furrow when he's concentrating or talking about something he's passionate about. The way his beautiful bright green eyes sparkle, the colour of them extremely unique. Long, thick lashes covering his eyes.

No doubt, this man looks like he belongs in a museum, not a high school classroom.

"Ms Rodriguez" I hear my name being called, but still in a world of my own.

"Ms Rodriguez?" I hear my name being called again. I shake my head slightly to wake myself up a bit, only to be met with the one and only Mr Styles himself. I look around the room to see it being empty. Shit.

This is why you should pay attention in class.

"Uh yes?" I say awkwardly, finally meeting his eyes.

"Class was dismissed a few minutes ago, but while I have you here, I want to talk about your grades." He says to me as he takes a seat on the chair next to me.

"What about them?" I say confused, not understanding what he's talking about.

"Your grades have dropped, quite significantly over the past few weeks. I'm aware you don't exactly pay attention, but your grades before were never this bad." He says to me with a look in his eyes I can't describe. Disappointment? Concern? I have no clue.

Should i be insulted by him saying i don't pay attention? He's not wrong at all, but i didn't think i was that obvious.


I don't exactly know what to say. I've been having a harder time with Mateo and Elena, feeling the need to be with them more right now. They're extremely sensitive as it's Mother's Day in a few days, their teachers keep going on about it, making them upset about the fact our dear mother isn't in the picture.

I needed to be there for them more, especially now. Like I've said, they're my priority.

The cafe is stressing me out, as it is Mother's Day soon, more customers are coming in. There's a higher demand in desserts, and more people are coming in. On top of this, my boss at the club has been making me take more shifts, completely exhausting me.

Studying has not been my priority whatsoever. I've got more to worry about.

Don't even get me started on the whole behind rent situation.

I run my hands through my hair, slightly tugging at it due to my stress. My hands started to sweat, feeling nervous.

Harry seems to notice me stressing out, and was quick to grab my sweaty hand, shuffling his chair closer to me to calm me down.

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