Chapter 5

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Gabriella Rodriguez

It's been a week since Mr Sty- Harry, was at my house. I haven't seen nor spoken to him, unless in class, but even then, I keep the interactions to a minimum. I go class, I pay attention, I do my work, then quickly pack up and leave. There isn't really a reason as to why I've avoided him, but i do know that he wants to talk, soon. 

 I'vebeen working extra hard all week, picking up more shifts at the cafe and Sin City, knowing rent was due soon, and I needed to make sure I had enough money to pay our tender, and extra for groceries.

I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Some days I just really feel like quitting both jobs and hoping a miracle happens.

But it doesn't, nor will it ever.

So, I work. I work until my feet ache and my head is throbbing. I try to fit in studying as much as i can with my schedule, but I haven't been able to. The few chances I've gotten, I've been too exhausted to do anything. Elena and Mateo understand I'm very tired so they try to help me when they can. You'd be surprised how mature they are for their ages.

Mateo has tried to make dinner a few times this week to try and help me out more. When I say dinner, I mean toast with whatever spread we have or cereal, but I appreciate it more than anything. Elena has tried to do some cleaning, like the dishes, and she has been cleaning their room and mine.

I have a shift at the cafe in thirty minutes, it was five thirty pm now. Elena and Mateo are at home by themselves. I know it sounds crazy to leave a six, and an eight-year-old at home alone, but I know I can trust them, and they know how to take care of themselves.

"I trust you guys will be good, but if anything happens, please call me." I say to them while trying to shove stuff in my bag. I put the keys to our house, my phone and my wallet. That's all I really need.

"We are always good" Elena says smiling while showing off her little teeth. They're currently sitting on our tiny couch watching some animated show from the small TV screen in front of them.

"I know, I know, I just want to make sure. I'll bring you guys some cakes home." I say while coming up behind the coach and kissing both their heads. I already made dinner and made sure they ate so I knew they wouldn't be hungry for a while. There were also some snacks in the cupboard in case they got hungry again, which I doubt. Small kids, small stomachs.

I walk towards the door and open it. I check my bag one more time before I lock up. As I'm about to close the door I hear them screaming goodbye to me which makes me giggle.

I lock the door and start my walk towards the cafe. As I'm walking, I really start to look at our neighborhood. It's disgusting, it really is. There rubbish everywhere, graffiti on every wall, and basically every turn there's some sketchy looking group of men smoking who knows what.

I really wish we could live somewhere nicer. Somewhere I didn't have to be scared walking in the dark, or even walk alone. I wish I could give them the lives they truly deserved. I have so much pent up anger towards my parents, some days, it just makes me cry. I cry uncontrollably until my whole-body aches with exhaustion.

I really wanted to provide a nice home and be able to buy them the things they want. Mateo and Elena deserved the whole world, they truly did. I want to know they go to a good school and get an education, even if I have to work all the time, they're worth it.

I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize I got to J's. I walk up the small ramp leading towards the entrance and open the door, instantly getting hit with the smell of coffee and fresh baked goodies.

I see Jessica talking to another employee I've never seen before. Jessica sees me enter and waves at me to come over. I walk over to her and this other person.

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