Chapter 12

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A/N before I start this chapter- mental health check! how are you? My DM's are always open if you ever want to rant, cry, or even just tell me about your day. <333333

Harry Styles

If there is one thing that sucks most, it's being dragged somewhere by friends when you don't want to go.

In this case, it's a club.

I was content with marking paper's tonight, but Dean had some other plans in mind.

In sweats, I was sat on the couch comfortably until someone was pounding on my front door. I hastily got up unlocking it, which was my first mistake of the night.

Dean came barging in with a few other guys I had never even seen before. Beers in hand, assuming they've already had some considering the way they were walking and the slight slur in Dean's voice.

"Go change, we're going to the club!" Dean yelled way too obnoxiously for my liking.

"I have papers to mark"

Repeating my accent in a mocking tone, "I have papers to mark. Shut up, what are you? Come on. It's your birthday! You should be celebrating, not acting like a 14-year-old teacher's pet", the guys behind him laugh at his attempt to insult me at my expense.


"Difference is, I actually am the teacher. I'm fine staying home tonight, yeah?" i say as calmly as I possible could, not wanting to show my irritation.

"Come on mate, drinks on me?" he stalks over to me wrapping his arm around my neck and ruffling my hair a bit. I role my eyes slightly, finally agreeing just so he leaves me alone.

One drink couldn't hurt...

We all head for his shit hole of a car, hopping in. Dean starts the engine, speeding out of my driveway and heading straight towards the city.

He turns on the radio, some rap song blasting, all the boys in the back jumping around acting like a bunch of 12-year old's just discovering how to wank.

Fucking idiots.

I lean my head on the window, taking a deep breath and shutting my eyes, desperately not wanting to be here.


25 minutes later we arrive at a club called Sin City.

Of- fucking- course, he brings me to a damn strip club.

"Dean, you didn't say it was a fucking strip club" the irritated tone in my voice extremely obvious.

'Calm down, you wouldn't have come if I said we were coming here" 

does he think that makes it better?

I don't say anything in response, not wanting to cause a fight and just want to get this over with.

Fuck sake, this better be over soon.

I get out of the car quickly, not wanting to spend another minute in this piece of junk. All of them piling out of the car, jumping on each other out of excitement. I role my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time tonight. We all walk through the entrance, me remaining silent, making it painfully obvious I don't want to be here. Dean immediately walking to the front desk.

"We have a table for 5 booked, babe," he says to the lady at the front making me cringe.

"What name is that under?" she asks batting her lashes.

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