Chapter 11

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Song: Porn Star Dancing- MyDarkestDays

Gabriella Rodriguez

Tonight, was a good night.

I walk over to the group of men in front of the stage and start dancing. Swaying my hips to the beat of the song. All of them throwing money at me or tucking bills into my corset. Something about dancing so provocatively felt so dangerous yet exhilarating. My movements came to a halt as I turned around to be faced with a set of green eyes I never expected to see here.


What the fuck!

What is he doing here?

Does he know I work here?

He couldn't possibly. Could he?

I quickly turned back around to the group of men praying Harry hadn't seen my face. I mean, how could he? I had the mask on, thankfully.


I quickly turn my head to Tom who's staring at me with an amused expression.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" he started cackling, the rest of the men joining in.

"I'll be back after, for now just um.. enjoy your drinks and the show" I ran off without waiting for a reply. I race towards the changing room; only then do I take a breath.

What the fuck is someone meant to do in this situation?

Do I avoid him? Do I keep doing what I normally do? Do I say hi?

you're a fucking dickhead if you say hi to him Gabbie I thought to myself.

What would I even say?

Oh hi Harry, remember me? The girl you teach who you also asked out, who also happens to work at the strip club you seem to be at? Having a good time? Can I offer you a drink? Perhaps a nice little lap dance?

Fuck sakes.

What on earth have I done to this world to make it hate me so much.

I stand in front of the mirror and take another deep breath. Who knew being a stripper would be so difficult?

I unnecessarily touch up my makeup and fix my hair, hoping to stall for a bit. Once I finished touching up, I took one last look in the mirror and decided it was time to go out there. I adjusted my mask and left the change room.

I scanned the room with my eyes, Harry not in sight. I released the breath I was holding and started walking around slowly, making sure to sway my hips, touching men's shoulder when I walked past.

I started approaching a group of men who seem to be only a few years older than me. I lightly touched the arm of the man closest to me, his back towards me. He flinched from my touch, not expecting it and turned around only for me to be met with forest green eyes that I was so infatuated with.

No, no, no, how the fuck did I not recognise him?

I quickly removed my touch from his arm, and then proceeded to the next group. Before I could get away, a hand grabbed onto my arm catching me off guard.

I made eye contact with one of the men Harry was with. He wore a slight smirk on his lips, dull brown eyes leaving me with an unsettling feelings in my stomach.

"Babe, d'you do birthday dances?" he slurred slightly in my ear sending a chill down my spine.

Recomposing myself, I replied coolly, "depends for who," which seemed to widen his smirk.

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