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Jotaro sat down, his stand helping him watch over (Y/N). Her black hair flying behind her as she twirled and jumped, eventually taking a seat near Jotaro to regain her energy.

"Uh, hey Jotaro." She called, a curious gleam in her (e/c) eyes. Both human and stand turned to look in her direction.

Jotaro grunted, fixing the position of his hat. "What is it kid?"

(Y/N) blinked, her pointer finger landing in the direction of Star Platinum (who looked just as curious). "Who's he? I haven't seen him before."

Star Platinum made his way towards the girl, poking her shoulder to test it she could feel that. In response the girl poked his arm.

Jotaro tensed up.

"If she can see stands, does that mean she has a stand of her own? Or is she just like Hana? She can see them but doesn't have one of her own?"

"His name is Star Platinum. Star Platinum, this is (Y/N)." He introduced the two of them, and watched with a smile as they shook hands.

"Ora!" Star Platinum chirped, picking the girl up and twirling her around. (Y/N) giggled, and Jotaro continued watch.

His green eyes flickered towards the sky.



A light flickered menacingly.

Hana refused to talk.

Each time her captor came close, a scowl painted her lips and hatred sparked through her eyes.

"Whatever you're going to ask me next, won't be answered."


Rosemary pointed towards the sky above her, Reimi pointing back at her.

Filling her with relief, she sighed turning back towards Rohan. He was sitting down, sketching something in quick strokes of his drawing utensil.

"How long did Okuyasu say he'd be gone?" She asked, Rohan looking up at her. He shrugged, tapping his chin with his drawing utensil.

"Good question. He should be back by now. Plus he wants you to meet someone." He replies.

Rosemary's eyebrow raised.

Soon Okuyasu returned, a girl with glasses accompanying him. She looked shy.

Rohan closed his sketchbook immediately, nodding in the girl's direction. "It's good to see you again." He greeted her.

The girl smiled. "The same to you."

Okuyasu chuckles, tapping the girl on the shoulder to get her attention. "Huh...?"

"This here is Rosemary. She's really nice, so I'm sure you'll get along great!"

Rosemary sends the shy girl a kind smile, a wave becoming her second action. "Hello! It's so nice to meet you!"

The girl fixes the position of her glasses, sending a shy smile back. "Nice to meet you Rosemary. I'm Amie."

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