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"Are you alright Maiko?" Jotaro questioned, the woman raising her head from the floor. Her bright green eye flicked back to Jotaro, then to the two girl's clashing quickly.

She rubbed her head. "I... think so?" She mumbled, unsure. "Damn that girl hits hard. I think I might be bleeding."

Jotaro just blinked. "You are."

Maiko took a deep breath.

(Y/N) fell to the ground, a determined look on her face as she rolled out the way of Kohanna's attack and sent one of her own.

"Stay still!" Kohanna growled, flying after the girl in an attempt to strike her down.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, hitting Kohanna once more with her fist. "Hell no!"

"Language." Jotaro scolded.

A red butterfly flew past his nose and left a cut there, a part of (Y/N)'s wrath.

Punch after punch.

Swipe after swipe

Kohanna fell to her knees, blood running down her cheek as her scythe fell to the ground next to her. "Damn..."

(Y/N) stood above her, eyes shining softly. "Are you going to stand down now? Or are you going to continue fighting?" She questioned, her opponent lightly chuckling.

"Well of course not. You passed my test in no time flat."


There it was again.

The same string pulled at Crazy Diamond's heart.

He wondered where though. It felt familiar and that messed with him even more.

Crazy Diamond turned his attention to his user, who was pacing back and forth. "Dora!" He chirped, floating towards him.

Josuke glanced at his stand. "What is it now Diamond?"

Crazy Diamond tried again: Cherry Bomb.

Josuke hummed. "Are you trying to say Cherry Bomb?"

Crazy Diamond nodded furiously, happy that after ten tries his user was finally able to figure it out.

"What's the meaning of that?" Josuke asked, his stand shrugging. Even he didn't know yet.

Cherry Bomb. User: (Y/N) Higashikata.

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