Part 2 - Pressing The Start Button...

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"Please, Create your Character." A computer's female voice said to us. Hikari and I been through countless Charcter Creations... A dark hallway with highlighted avatars in front of you. When people play on the same game system in VR, they get to create a character right beside you instead of being separated.

First, Class Selection. There is Six Basic Classes to choose from, all with their own basic starter weapons:

- Knight - A sword and a Shield (Can use almost any weapon in the game... I know, awesome right?)

- Assassin - Twin Daggers (Automatically makes your character a complete badass... Ok, it doesn't, but it's pretty cool.)

- Sorcerer - A Staff (Doesn't sound like much, but your enemies will be singing a different tune when you're summoning monsters and hurling gigantic Spirit Bombs at them...)

- Fighter - Hand To Hand Combatant (with dozens of buffs, and your very own sports tape!)

- Hunter - A Bow and Arrow (comes with the ability to track down almost anything, along with other survival skills.)

- Technician - Laser Pistol (with a trusty Wrench, and other Gadgets! Don't worry, you'll be creating your own Rocket Launchers and blowing up entire Guild's houses in no time...)

Having played several VRMMORPG's before, Hikari and I usually pick the same classes each time. Since I prefer more fast paced attacks, I chose the Assassin. Hikari always backs me up with magicians in RPG's, so she chose the Sorcerer, no, the Sorceress. Next was the type of element we want to control the most:

- Fire - Red hot flames that burns with DOT. Best at crowd control, and just looks badass all together. Fighters and Hunters has the upper hand using this Element.

- Lightning - Extremely fast mid/short-range attacks and the most useful when fighting individual people. Does little healing, but at least you'll come in handy if someone's heart stops! At it's finest when used by speedy Assassins, Fighters, and Technicians.

- Light - All that is natural gives you power to trap enemies and heal allies... Even grass... Superman has to fly up to the Sun, all you have to do is lay down on an open field... Knights and Sorcerers are more familiar with this element.

- Darkness - Want to act like the Vegeta/Hiei/Sasuke/Itachi/Killua/Shadow The Hedgehog/Riku/Jin/Kazuya/Laxus/Yu Kanda/Batman of the group that stays on the dark side? Choose this black and poisonous Element! Works well with Sorcerers and Assassins.

- Water - Slow in attack speed, but decent power with freezing abilities and keeping multiple enemies at bay... (Word of advice, try to keep away from Lighting Users... Trust me, not a pretty sight.) Any class will challenge themselves when using this Element, but pays off when you get the hang of it.(Another word of advice, this Element has the tendency to ruin any Tecnician's Life... Completely. Short circuiting a Rocket Launcher I just finished creating by shooting a stream of water at it would have me sitting in the Emo Corner for days...)

- Wind - The most basic element. Basically nullifies all other Elements, but has lowest attack power. All good things come with a price... The skilled Hunters and Technicians use this element to an advantage.

Thanks to Hikari, we both Know how each element works with each class from her playing this game before in the Beta test... I chose lightning, and Hikari chose Darkness... A girl named Hikari... went past the Light Element... And chose the Darkness Element... She looked at me weird like I just contradicted my name entirely...

"What?" She asked, confused for some reason.

"...Nothing..." I replied, not feeling like explaining myself. We then started changing the appearance of our characters. We didn't do much, really, since virtual reality games presets your real face onto your created characters in the first place. All we did was change our hair color. I had a silver Fauxhawk, because bitches love black guys with white hair in video games, and Hikari and long, black hair, with one long strand running down her face.

"Please give your Character a name." The voice said. I typed in Yorudan, and Hikari typed in Shiro No Hikari, which were our usual usernames for games. A bright light then appeared. Next thing we know, we're in the middle of a forest.

"Okay, I like where this is going..." I said, shooting electricity around my arms. Shiro suddenly summoned a Shadow looking monster beside her.

"The nearest Village isn't far, lets move." She said, running off. I trailed her until we got to the Village, which was weird, no Lv. 1 monsters to ambush us at all on our way there... Shiro had a worried look on her face.

"Something's not right..." She said.

"I got the same feeling..." I added on. We walked into an inn and noticed that only one person is there.

"Hello there, we don't get beginners here often, so make yourself at home!" She said. I looked at her info and her class was titled Inn Keeper... Lv.90?!?

"You're a player?" I asked, and she nodded. She explained to me that there's a lot of classes to choose from after the Character selection, though most of them aren't used for fighting.

"I see." I said. Suddenly, the door swung open. Shiro I turned around to see Levi as a Fighter. His Username was Xx_Live-Evil_xX...

"Sup, guys. Why are we starting off at a ghost town?" He asked. I was too focused on looking at his long ass Username...

"Levi, what the fuck is with you and having uppercase and lowercase X's in usernames?!? What does the shit even mean?!?" I shouted. Shiro shrugged.

"If you don't like it, call me Levi then!" He shouted back. Shiro and the Inn Keeper sighed.

"Why is there no one here?" Shiro asked the Inn keeper.

"It's a rumor spreading around the game world that someone is attempting to lock everyone inside the game. I'm afraid that the rumor spread so fast, people began logging out of the game out of fear that they might never come out." She said, smoking on a huge cigar.

"Lady, as awesome as that may sound, I don't even think that the developers of the game have that kind of power..." I retorted. Then, a bright red lightning bolt shot from the sky and hit the ground right outside the Inn.

"W-what the Hell was tha~" I was saying, but someone kicked my whole face in and sent me flying to the wall.

"Yorudan!" Shiro cried out. that attack literally took out all my Health Points, only leaving one point left...

"No, you Bastard, who are you!?!" Levi shouted, walking towards the attacker. The attacker simply grabbed Levi's entire face and lit him on fire with black flames. And with the snap of his finger, Shiro's summoned monster was destroyed. He then threw Levi at me, both of us falling to the ground.

"Yoru! Levi!" She yelled. The attacker had a hood on, but his glowing eyes made was seen through the darkness. The Inn keeper stood her ground, only taking another puff from her Cigar... The attacker then turned his attention to Shiro, his red, tattered cloak floating in the flowing winds.

"A Beta Tester, huh?" He said, chopping the back of her neck, knocking her out almost instantly.

"Shiro!" I shouted. I got up, but only barely.

"You have heart kid. But, I'm not the one you should be making stupid choices against!" He shouted, dashing up to me and punching me straight in the face. The punch felt so... Real... As I fell to the ground, I realized that this guy is definitely a hacker the Inn Keeper was talking about.

"I'll let you two off with a warning kill. But if you attempt to fight me again, I will kill you both again, but then that time... You will Die For real." He said, picking up Shiro as I slipped into unconsciousness...

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