Part 4 - Why is the First PVP Battle a Life or Death Situation?

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"Okay... Our first enemy..." I said, knowing that it could kill us if Levi and I let it. Time to get serious... Levi took out his Bow and one Arrow.
"I'll draw it's attention, you take it down." He strategized, shooting a single arrow. We were significantly far away from it, but the Arrow pierced the Slime monster.
"Yeah! Your up, Yorudan." Levi said, shooting more Arrows at the Slime. I quickly sprinted down the hill we were sitting on, then held my breath to cloak myself. As the Slime was slowly making it's way to Levi, I took out my Daggers.
"Rah!" I shouted, slashing the Slime monster with two quick attacks. It dissolved in a dust like powder. We earned our first experience points... Lv. 2.
"Nice one!" Levi shouted. He then made a WTF face.
"What?" I asked. He then pointed his finger behind me. I quickly turned around to see like, 20 other Slime monsters.
"Holy Shit, they move in packs!!!" I shouted, running straight to the hill Levi was on.
"What do you suppose we do?" He asked. I grinned.
"Waste our entire MP bar on one attack..." I replied, electrifying my weapons.
"On your signal..." He told me, pulling out a dozen Arrows and setting the tips on Fire. I then dashed back down the hill. Like a lightning bolt, I charged through the pack, electrifying all of them while taking down half their health.
"Levi, now!" I shouted, moving out the way.
"On it... Burning Shower Volley!!!" He yelled out, shooting the flaming Arrows into the air. They came down like a meteor shower, taking out the group of Slime monsters. That shot us up to Lv. 5!
"Hell Yeah!!!" We shouted. We thought that was enough Leveling for now, so we were on our way back to the Ghost Town. All of a sudden, danger warnings popped up in front of our faces... Notifying us that someone's around us.
"Who's there?!?" Levi shouted, we turned around to see an extremely tall person slowly walk toward us...
"Tell me... Why I can't log off... I can't get out. I can't get out!" He muttered, taking out a small kick axe...
"You're trapped in this game... Deal with it..." I replied, shocking the man.
"The fourth time I heard that... No matter... I will kill both of you!!!" He shouted, lunging at us.
"Uh... That's not the reaction I was looking for...!" I shouted, dodging the man's attack. Levi set his Arrow on fire and took aim.
"Don't make me do this..." He pleaded, but suddenly, the man lost all signs of sanity.
"Go ahead, do this... And take me off this Damned game!" He shouted. Something inside me just said he wasn't completely trying to kill us...
"Hah!!!" I roared, stabbing him in the back with an electricity-infused dagger, while he was shouting.
"~Ugh..." He muttered, as he fell to the ground... He killed three people, being that weak?!?... Not the time to think about that...
"... Thank you." He whispered, closing his eyes...
"Honestly, now that I think about it, we shouldn't even kill you... Having you stuck here like us seems like a better punishment..." Levi said, taking his Arrow out.
"That's deep, bro." I added. He suddenly shot the Arrow through the man's head, making that our first real kill in this game... On the bright side, that battle moved us up to Lv.7. New skill from our element's skill tree:
Electricity- Enhaced Running Speed.
Fire- Projectile Flames
"... On second thought though, he'd just be running around killing innocent players if we let him live..." Levi ultimately decided. After we took his loot, which wasn't even much since he had all exclusive Templar gear, we went back to the Inn, sold off his stuff from an NPC outside the Inn, and got a decent amount of Gold from it...
"So glad you can make it..." A familiar voice said when we walked inside the Inn...
"H-hacker Guy!" I shouted, standing in front of Levi, indirectly trying to protect him... Really, it was complete coincidence... Bitch-ass me wanted to be in the back of the line so bad...
"You two actually came back... Not the best choice though..." He said, taking his hood off. He had red eyes and long red hair. Makes sense when he has a red cloak around his shoulders, and Red lightning powers...
"The Danger notifiers didn't even show up for this guy...!" Levi realized.
"I mean, I gave you a way out. C'mon, now your trapped here in Lost Worldz... This is what happens when I try to be a good guy for five seconds..." Hacker-Guy complained.
"Rez. Leave, now." The Inn Keeper said, switching her Class from Lv.90 Inn Keeper to Lv.90 Savage Brawler...
"Uh oh... Shit... Is about..." Levi said.
"... To go down." I added on.
"Kai, don't do this..." Rez said, shooting his arms with black flames. We were about to back Savage Kai up, but we then remembered his threat when we first came to the game...
Suddenly, Rez then turned his head like he heard a sound from beside him. But, no one was beside him...
"... Now? Well then, alright." He said, talking to someone else... In the room???
"Both of you... Leave. Now." Kai demanded, surging water around her lower body... Then it hit me.
"Two...?!? Someone's Cloaked!" I shouted, taking my Daggers out as I felt the unknown person's presence...
"Hmm... A Lv.7 noticed I was here? I gotta step up my game..." I heard him say, as his presence began fading away... Rez then got out of the chair he was sitting in and walked out.
"You two, try not to die before I get to you..." He said before leaving.
"That was too close..." Savage Kai said, dispersing the rushing waters she had. She then changed her Class back to Inn Keeper.
"As much as I would love to hear the Old Hag's reason of having a Rare Class, I gotta go clean up because the past events finally made me shit myself..." Levi said, shuffling across the room. The shit walk happens to everyone at least once in life...
"I really don't care if you ended up murdering infants to get the Class Savage Brawler, I just want you to help me get Shiro back..." I said, putting my Daggers away. She thought about it for a second.
"Fine. I'll help you. But you must follow my instructions exactly..." She said. I nodded.
"Leave, Right now. Go to the closest Village to the East. Take Levi with you." She demanded. Levi jumped out of the Bathroom.
"Are you crazy?!?" He yelled out when he realized she wasn't tagging along with us...
"You two must stick together if you really want to, oh I don't know, survive!" She explained.
"I got his back. He has mine. Don't worry about that." I replied. She must be impressed that two Noobs didn't end up dying already. What she doesn't know, is that these Two Noobs are actually NEET's and the one they're looking for is basically a Beater of this game. Suddenly, Kai walked up to me.
"The longer you two stay together, the less chance you have of dying."
"Don't worry, we don't plan on dying until we find her." Levi replied. She then gave me an Item... Orange letters... That means it's Legendary...! Swords?!? Not Daggers, she just gave me two fucking Samurai Swords!
"You had these the entire time I was here? You should've been gave them to me!" I shouted. Levi got jealous.
"Oh, you give him a Legendary weapon, and I got... Oh yeah, not a damn thing!" He complained.
"I already gave you your Legendary item... You idiot." She replied. Levi then frantically searched his inventory and equipped his Legendary hood, exclusive for Hunters only.
"Okay... I'm living in this game... Don't even wanna go home anymore..." He decided, loving on his first Rare item.
"You all must go now, I have a feeling something's happening at Taveeja Village..." She said, and we all ran off. Don't worry Shiro... I'm on my way.

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