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"Wealth ... will be defined as 'a suitable accumulation of resources and possessions of value.'

Under this simple definition, one is wealthy to the extent that one has sufficient food of good quality, clothing appropriate to keeping cool or warm, and shelter for protection from the elements.

In a modern economy, this definition is often extended to include access to safe and reliable transportation and communication that enables one to work.

Wealth includes adequate physical possessions to live and flourish as a human being created in the image of God, and it also requires a specific heart attitude toward the purpose of possessions."

-The Bible


The word wealth has many shades of meaning, but most involve having a lot of something - often money or something else that's valuable. You might have a wealth of experience, or you might have great personal wealth.


~•The same month, at night, 2010•~

Jordan stood between the door of his dream and reality. He clenched his palm holding the bag. He opened the door and the darkness from the room touched some parts of his busy heart. The room was of a medium big. There was a roof-to-floor window which was locked by then. There was a clumsy bookshelf and the books were removed from the desk. There was her laptop on the desk now. The room had a suffocating smell in it. His eyes wandered around the room and finally found a small figure sleeping on the laptop.

He quickly came closer her and woke her about her shoulder. She wasn't heavy and her hairs were messy enough to distinguish her eyes lashes from her hair. The sudden movements woke her up. She was quite shocked to see him in her room. But she didn't want Jordan to know that she just had a mental breakdown so she pretends to be sleepy while supervising his actions.

To her surprise, he started stacking her books up in the shelf and dusting the dirt off the torn away magazines. He kept the package on her bed and threw all the torn pages which were spread all over room, in the dustbin. He close the laptop and kept that aside the table.

"Huh? Why are you cleaning them?" She finally whispered.

"Oh! Did I wake you up? Ah sorry! Go back to sleep, dear" he replied with a hushed voice as warm as a caring parent, completely confused and a mess.

The edges of her eyes started burning, but she, controlling, said, "You can leave those there as they are. I will do it on my own."

It's true that she never liked her new family but that didn't lessen the soft place for Jordan. It was him who brought her here. Who rescued her and under whom she was being brought up.

"It's uh- Oh!" He reached out his hand and held the package and gave it to her.

"W-What is this?" She carefully held the back and stoop in front of the paper bag...

"Go ahead... open the bag" his voice was even warmer.

Suddenly the room was so warm and silent that even their breathing could be heard. Her trembling hands approached the bag and explored it internally. Her pupils were getting larger for the unattainable amazement that was slowing crawling into her stomach. She could feel the universal warmth around her that was even warmer than her blanket. But somehow she knew that this was safe-just somehow. She pulled the small box out of the bag and kept it between her slim tiny thighs.

She gazed at it.

"Go ahead... open it" Jordan said, even though his voice was stuffed but every pitch of his curvy and trembling voice shook her small eardrums.

She unlocked the chest.

It was a small wooden box with a cosy cottage landmark on it. The wood was well polished that the edges were softer. As soon as she opened the box, she found that it was a small keychain of a girl who was wearing a tiny yellow dress and whose hair was tied in a small bun. It was not like a cliché Barbie doll, but it was a different and unique one.

Her eyes started watering.

"How is it? Do you like it?" He asked

"It's so pretty..." She could've completed complimenting the doll if her tears hadn't avoided her to do so.

She felt weak and could feel her heart melt. She knew she never wanted gifts which were bought out of wealth but the ones which were out of love.


-This Part Is Edited-

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