t w e l v e

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"Joining a new church and starting a new life is never easy and often frightening."

Joseph B. Wirthlin

~• Mid of August, 2010•~

The helper stopped on her tracks.

"Before meeting Mr. Vergera, we need your CVV. It's important for the admission. Did your parents provide you with your CVV?" She bend down to her height to ask her. 

"I just have my pass and some common usable stuffs in my bag." She replied with a smile.

"Oh no. But without a CVV you won't be able to enter into this. Do you know your mother's number?"

Islared just nodded a no.

"What? Why not? You do realise you're fifteen and you should know" The helper sighed and continued with a smile, "Let's go back and see what we can do, alright? Don't worry we will make it"

Isla just nodded and continued to walk with holding the hands of the helper towards the reception.

But no sooner did they start walking a heavy cold, yet familiar to Isla spoke up.


The echoey hall added reverb to the voice and it seemed like a dragon just woke up from a sleep. They stopped in their tracks and turned back to find an old man with a wooden leg stopping by them.

"Hand over the kid" he said

"But sir, without a CVV—" the helper begun but was soon stopped by hailing a palm up.

"Hand over the kid" he repeated.

With this the helper left the hand of Isla and the old man just "snatched" her away from the helper.

"Away and Go" he then said— commanded.

The helper hurried back, half running and stumbling to the reception office.

The old man then turned to Islared and said, "You did realise that you were in danger, did you, young Roger?"

"Maybe" she said with a shrugging.

"Feisty, are we? Let's get back to my office before you get yourself in more trouble"

"Mr. Alley, can I ask you a question?" Isla said looking up at the large hairy man.

"You just did." He said laughing as he tightly held her hand and started walking towards the bottom of the staircase.

"Uh-huh. How did you find me? I mean how did you know that I was here?"

"Young Roger, there are two things in life you should never, I repeat NEVER ask to people. First, any woman her age. And any man his whereabouts. Both might get you in trouble"  he said grining as he bend down to her height. "Let's go"

He said and both of them started walking downstairs.

After a five minutes walk down the corridor, weird corridor might I add, they entered a room.

"Have a seat, Roger." He said as he let her hand go and sat down on his chair.

The room was dark with two candles burning, one near the book shelf and other near the old grandfather clock.

There was a window in the room but it was just as creepy as an old mirage. No one can tell that it was a real window. The floor was mosaiced and the titles were all yellow stained. And Isla had a strange weird feeling standing there.

"Earth to Roger?"

"Oh yes yes. Sorry." She said as she hurriedly places herself over the nearby stool.

"So, Roger. I hope you do know what you're about to put into yourself, do you? Chillarian Government has been the strongest of all the countries here, including Lehan. Agents at this country have a few rules—"

He broke his own line as he got up and managed to walk himself towards his book shelf.

The wooden leg produced large "tap—tap" sounds as he walked and that added some more tint into the creepiness of the scene.

Isla was suddenly so alert but somewhere in her heart she had a feeling that he will never hurt her. She doesn't know. She's confuse. He started searching through the books on the shelves as he finally landed on one single red binding book.

Clearly old enough but the binding of the book was both strong and beautiful which didn't let the pages to tumble down.

"Hear me out.

Rule number one: Loyalty is the key. Any agent breaks our trust, breaks the trust of the nation.

Rule number two: Discipline in your sectors are the discipline of your soul. Maintain it.

Rule number three: If hate is not the answer then neither is love.

Rule number four: You don't need to follow any rules. You are gonna break them anyways." He said  as he threw the book away, as this let out a chuckle from Isla.

"Let alone remember, no one on Earth can make you do things, if your souls isn't aligned." He said as he walked down and sat beside her. "I hope you're doing this all well aware. You might not know what all thing you're about to go in. Think again, Roger."

"I do. I am well aware of what I am doing. If it's not what my heart wants that I am here—" she was cut off by a loud thud sound as the door of the room swung opened.

"Father, you called?" Said the unusual voice.

"Alvareo, son. Come here." Mr. Alley replied suddenly pushing the stool backward and standing up.

Isla looked up to see a guy staring at her with utmost importance and tenderness.

"She is, Islared Roger. Roger, he is Alvareo Alley, my son"

"Athena Kosala?" Alvareo spoke up in utmost misbelief, "You're alive?"


Enjoy, coders!♥️

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