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"You remember your first love because they show you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how you become a person and why."

—John Green.


First love.

The reason first love stories are so compelling to read is that there is something so powerful about young love experience. Is it because it happens when our hearts are still innocent and pure -- before that first inevitable heartbreak? Or is it because once that huge flame dies out, a few warm embers remain to keep the memory aglow?

It's true, too, that we tend to get even more sentimental as we age, especially about memories of long ago. An unfinished love keeps some allure for many years.

First loves are tender and delicate part of a person's heart. Call it crush, call it deep admiration or something which just beings pain. First love is just not something about sunshine and rainbows. It always has got a deep meaning and emotion curved into it.


~• Mid of August, 2010•~

"Dorothy? Dorothy, is that you?" A high pitched voice came running towards Samantha. The sound of the heels chuckling became faster. She stopped on her tracks and looked behind to see a lady in white staring at her..

"Samantha Dorothy Houston, right?" She further asked.

Without losing any composure, she replied in a sweet voice, "Now Michelle, yeah?"

"Dorothy look at you, man! You've grown up to be such a pretty lady!" That unknown lady was clearly checking her out. And Sam felt uncomfortable under her gaze. Samantha gasped before opening mouth for a response.

"Thank you very much and you are?"

"Uh-you don't remember me, Dorothy? I am Vanessa. Your Agency friend from Sci sector." Those words came out from those glossy lips from that stranger.

What? She couldn't be—

"Vanessa Heema?"

"Yes," she responded with ease.

"You mean Vanessa Jane Heema?!" She could never be her, Sam reminded herself.

"Yes, Vanessa Jane Heema" she replied with a smile.

"Oh, long time no see"

Sam tried to ease her heart. How can she be her? No way.

"Uh-huh. Some like thirteen years. So how's life, Dorothy?"

Now the conversation is going normal. But how—

"Oh my, please call me Sam it's unusual to hear someone calling me that" 

How dare she use her middle name?!

"Oh hahaha, yeah yeah sure, Samantha. Sam Sounds good" Vanessa said slyly.

"Better" Sam let out a bitter laugh.

She is not used to this. Never from Vanessa.

"So, how's life" she repeated

"Good" Sam responded, half lied.

"Sounds good" Vanessa kept pushing the conversation.

"Indeed" Sam responded airly.

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