7 > bad cop, good cop

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I picked up Arizona for work today. Her car broke down so she didn't have a ride. It was nice, I liked carpooling with her. She began to tell me about how she's going out with Callie Torres, "She's great! I mean, she's amazing." She turns to look at me, "You like her, right?"

I look at her, "Callie? Yeah, she's fun." I say as I park my car. I look out to the hospital before turning to look at my sister, "She'd be a nice sister-in-law—"

"No!" Arizona cuts me off and begins to laugh, "Cole, we're only dating. Nothing about marriage is in the picture. Talking about marriage..." She's got this look on her face. A curious look with a smile.

Oh, this is the talk where she begins to talk to me about Morgan and I's relationship. See where it's going. "We're not doing this, Arizona," I tell her as I get out the car and get our bags. She gives me a look, "We're fine." I tell her and we head inside.

Today they had a big surgery. But of course, I wasn't needed. So I was in post-op and checkups with Dr. Grey. We went in to check on young women who just had surgery, "Tenderness around the incision is normal. No signs of infection. Would you redress that would?" Meredith tells an intern.

I look up at the intern and see he has an eye with blood around it, "Uh, Megan," I call out to the other intern, "will you please go to 20..." she walks up to me and I notice she's crying. "Um... go to room 2214 and... take us the drain," I tell her and he a tissue. "When you're ready?"

"Uh," Meredith steps in, "I know it seems personal, and we wouldn't ask if we didn't need to know, but have you passed gas yet?" Meredith asks the patient. She ignores Meredith and looks at the interns confused.

All of sudden another intern walks into the room with a bloody hand. I'm guessing he's the one who punched the other intern. Meredith and I share a look, "We can't release you until that happens—the gas." Meredith says to the patient.

She keeps looking at them but finally turns to look at Grey and me, "I'm sorry. I'm trying to listen. But are they suppose to look like that?" The patient asks referring to the interns. We look at them before looking back at her.

"Like what?" We question.

She tilts her head at us before looking at the messed up interns once again, "The bleeding and the shiner, and that one looks like she's suicidal. They're suppose to be doctors?" She asks us.

I look at them, "We're gonna reserve judgment on that for right now." I tell her.

"Freak show." The patient mumbles.

We step outside after checking up on that patient and we stare at the three interns. I question myself if I was ever like that. I mean, I wasn't—was I? "What the hell do we do with them?" I ask Meredith as we look at them.

Meredith scoffs, "Can we shove them in a locker?" She says and I laugh. I shake my head, "I guess we should just talk to them." She suggests but I want to agree but I want to leave their personal lives out of mine.

"No." I say to her sternly and look at them again, "We're professionals, and that's clearly personal. Besides, we'll just waste time. And you'll never get to see the solo surgery and I'll never see the face transplant."

"Ooh," She shake my head, "That's a—yeah, that's a good point. I guess, well, we should—we should just ignore it then." She tells me and I nod at her. I know I'm going to regret this later but for right now, I'm not going to worry about it.

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