17 > New year

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I was do some post-op on some patients that I recently did surgery on. I got through a few and this was my last one. I was ready to head home for the night. Not sure what I planned to do. Maybe invite Miranda over.

I looked at Mrs. Gonzalez, "So does it hurt, Mrs. Gonzalez?" She shakes her head, "Okay, well, everything looks good. If you have pain, please tell one of the nurses." I tell her as I write down her chart.

She smiles at me, "Thank you, dear."

I smile back, "It's my pleasure."

I walk out of the room and see Miranda at the desk in front of me talking on the phone. I smile at walk over. "Tucker and little tuck are both fine." She says into the phone.

I lift an eyebrow in confusion and start to write down on some more charts, "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I have to work today and on Christmas this year." She says. I hand back some of the charts to the nurse and thank her.

She doesn't see me, "Yeah. Uh. Tucker and I were hoping to bring him home to visit you. Mom, uh, I have to go. Happy thanksgiving, mom." She says and hangs up and she looks down and sighs.

I look at her in confusion as I lean on the desk, "You didn't tell your parents about the divorce?" I ask her as I finish writing down on the last charts. I hand them back to the nurse again before turning to look at her once again.

Miranda looks up at me then back down. She doesn't make eye contact. I shake my head, "How long can you keep that a secret? Or keep me a secret?" I ask her she keeps her head low before she scoffs at me.

She looks up at me, "When you got stabbed and shot by Morgan's brother, how long did you keep that secret from your family? I mean, your mom thinks you shot because your were mugged," She tells me.

I scoff and shut the chart, "Okay."

I nod and begin to walk away from her, "Wh—Cole." I hear her yell but I keep walking.

✰ ✰ ✰

It's thanksgiving and I should be celebrating with my girlfriend but we're having a fight.
So instead I'm here with my sister and her girlfriend, and Lexie. Lexie was cutting up some tomato's and I was drinking some wine.

Arizona looks at me, "Why didn't you invite Miranda? She could of came over, Cole." Arizona tells me. I leaned on the counter as I watched them make dinner. I know how to cook but I'm a little tipsy.

I take a big sip of wine and looked over at my sister, "We're not on the same page." They all look at me and as I sighed, "She still hasn't told her family that she's divorced or that I'm her boyfriend." I tell them.They all look at me with sad eyes, "What? Are we just a fling—"

"No, Cole." Lexie cuts me off, "I see the way you two look at each other. You two deserve and are meant for each other. You're not a fling to her—Just give her some time." She tells me as she lays a hand on mine.

I nod and take seat on the high chair next to me. All of suddenMark comes in. "Hey!" We all say with a smile and that smile disappears when we see his daughter walk in behind him.

He comes over and she follows. We all share a look before turning to look at the young girl. She puts her hands in her pockets and stares at us, "Welcome. Happy thanksgiving." Arizona tells them, "Who wants wine?"

Sloan nods, "Ooh, I do!"

Mark turns to her, "No, you—you don't." He tells her, "um... hey, everybody. Uh, well, the results are in. It, uh, turns out Sloan was right. About her parentage. I am her dad. Um, so here's another thing to be thankful for." He says.

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