Chapter 1

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It was eighth year, for those of us who skipped seventh for the war; and all of us were ready to come back. Over the summer, harry and I became the heads of Gryffindor, and Ginny gave me a new "look". I gazed out the window on the train, and the others talked endlessly around me. Ginny made me promise that tomorrow at breakfast I would wear what she wanted. I agreed, my mind on other things. We got to hogwarts, and dinner went by quickly. All the heads were held back, there were four this year. I saw the others. From hufflepuff, and ravenclaw, there were four nameless students, that I didn't know. Gryffindor- harry and me, and slytherin. Draco malfoy and pansy parkinson. The headmistress talked about what we were supposed to do as heads. Then she dropped a bomb. She told us that as of this year, there were to be two head dorms. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, in a dorm and Gryffindor and Slytherin in a dorm. Malfoy gasped, and glared at us. McGonagall smiled, and gave us the location of our dorm. I walked as fast as I could, with harry trailing me. I stopped right in front of our portrait. "Hell." I hissed. We had a joint portrait. There were two figures, both with black hair, and sunken, pale faces. Both harry and Malfoy sucked in a breath, i winced. Both Sirius and Snape looked out at us.
"Password?" They asked, together. Malfoy stepped in front of us, and boldly spoke.
"Snakous." He spoke effortlessly, and held Snape's menacing glare. Sirius sighed and let us in. I walked in and saw a common room, with three doors. On two of the doors, they read, Girls, and the other Boys. I walked in deeper, and opened my door. There were two beds, one with red covers, the other green. Pansy appeared at the door, and fell onto her bed. I could hear her steady breathing, and took that as a notion she was asleep. I walked into the connecting bathroom, and saw malfoy, and harry in their bedroom.
"Can I come in?" I asked. Harry smiled, and malfoy looked annoyed. He sighed and pushed past me into my room. Harry let me in, and shut the door.
"I can't believe that we will be living with malfoy." Harry said.
"I mean, you have sleep in the same room as him, so.." I said.
"Well, not according to him." Harry pushed open the bathroom door, and I saw that malfoy had collapsed on my bed. I laughed softly, and walked back into my room. I grabbed pajamas and shut their door. Harry was in bed, and I changed in the bathroom. I climbed into malfoy's bed, and fell asleep, almost instantly.
The next to months past quickly, and every night I slept in his, He in mine.
The next morning I got up, and went into the bathroom. I pushed open the door to find a mostly naked malfoy, all for a towel loosely wrapped around his midsection. I sucked in a breath, and he noticed me.
"Like what you see, mudblood?" He grinned and pushed past me, once again into his bedroom. I turned the shower on, and tried to put him out of my head. After my shower, I got dressed and walked into the common room. Malfoy was sitting at the table, reading his schedule. His hair was slightly damp, and I could smell him from here. I slowly walked towards him, and grabbed my schedule that was resting where his was. I sat next to him, and his smell was stronger. Harry walked into the room and saw us sitting together.
"Hermione?" He said, and I got up and walked over to him. "Breakfast?" I nodded, and walked out the door with harry. He followed us down to the great hall, and when we met up with Ron and Ginny, he made sure we heard him.
"Enjoy my bed last night, granger?" The entire hall quieted and he sat at his table. My face flushed red, and I sat down. "
What?" Ron hissed. Before I could speak, harry jumped in.
"Malfoy slept in her bed, in a separate room; and hermione slept in his bed with me." Ginny gave him a questioning look, and he spoke again. "Not with me, but in the same room as me." He exhaled, and I caught malfoy's eye. He grinned at me, and I smiled back. His face turned red, only slightly as if he wasn't expecting my friendly response. Ginny called me back to the conversation, and i tore my eyes away from Malfoy's and i could feel his eyes on my back. After breakfast, I ran to portions. I was late, and the only open seat, was next to Malfoy. I sat down and turned away from him. I could hear him sigh, and Slughorn began the lesson. I could feel Malfoy staring at me, but i kept my eyes forward. The class seemed to go on forever, and i could feel both Harry's and Malfoy's eyes in my back. The class ended, and i ran to the library.

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