Chapter 9

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I pushed past them, and heard the weasel run away. I heard the hushed whispers of students as I passed them, and that made me walk faster.
I made it to the dorm, and slammed the door behind me, and glared around the room. I walked into my bedroom, and found traces of hermione. That calmed me down. I collapsed on the bed, and breathed in her scent. She was mine, not his. The door opened. I sat up, and walked out of the room. She was standing by the door, glancing around. I walked down the stairs slowly, and her eyes found mine. She ran to me, and my arms closed around her. "Thanks." She whispered. I nodded, and kissed her on her head. I released her, and she walked upstairs. The door opened again. This time it was harry. He looked around too, and found mine. "Ron's a git." He spat out. I nodded, and harry smiled. I walked up to my bedroom, and found a sleep hermione. I smiled to myself. I curled up next to her, and pulled her close to me.
The rest of the school year mostly uneventful. Well except for three events.
The first was two months after the dance. Draco and harry were at quidditch, and I was at the dorm, reading. I was cozied up on a chair when someone knocked on the door. I stood up to answer, and the pounds became more persistent. I opened the door, to find a disheveled Ron. The first thing I noticed was the strong smell of fire whiskey radiating of him. I stepped back. "Ron, what are you doing here?" I gasped out. He grinned sickly, and advanced towards me. "Hermione, leave him." his voice was raspy, and his breath smelled strongly of alcohol. "Come back. You know you love me." he grabbed my arm, and pulled me into the hallway. "Ron, please stop." i tried to pull away, but his grip was strong. He pushed me up against the wall and i shut my eyes. Seconds later, he let me go. I opened them, and saw ron on the floor. I looked up, and saw draco standing above him, growling. "Did he hurt you?" he asked, eyes flying to me. "No, i think he was drunk." draco nodded. "Go inside, i'll deal with him." i nodded, and shut the door. That was the last of the standing memory.
The next one was only one month after ron came to my door. Draco and i were eating breakfast, and the minister of magic began to speak to us. "As of now, there has been a law that states that any muggle born wizard or witch, must be married to a pureblood, or they will lose their wands. If anyone of you have a reason that they should not be able to follow that law, please come speak to me." we all went quiet, and draco kissed me. "I guess we are getting married." "we already were, idiot." i said with a smile on my face. He kissed me again, and smiled. That was all i remembered of that day.
The last memory, was one that would ruin my life. It was the fifth of june, draco's birthday. I had gotten him a gift, and was on my way to give it to him. I opened the door, and walked up to the door to our bedroom. I opened it, and dropped his gift. I saw draco in bed with pansy, and i screamed. Draco's eyes flew to mine, and he smirked. I could feel the tears rush to my eyes, and i ran out. The moment i slammed the door, i could hear the moans. That only made my tears come faster. I ran to the room of requirement, and slammed the door. I slumped against the door, and sobbed. I thought of all the good times I had with him. Fourth year, fifth year, the day we told harry, christmas, and the night before. I sobbed until my eyes ran dry, like i did once before. Only this time, draco wasn't there to comfort me. The thought of him, brought new tears to my eyes. I stayed there until harry found me. He sat next to me, and held me. He didn't give me the warmth that draco had, but it made me feel better. "What happened?" he asked. "Draco-pansy-" i was able to choke out. Harry shot up, and pulled me with him. "Get ginny, and go to my bedroom. Don't listen to him if he speaks to you. He doesn't matter anymore." i gave him a nod, and walked to the gryffindor tower. Ginny walked back with me silently, as i told her what happened. I could see her anger rise, as we neared our dorm. I walked to harry's bedroom as fast as i can, but was stopped by draco. Ginny was in the bedroom, and was waiting for me. Draco was only wearing a towel, and he smirked and me. "Where you been, honey?" i could feel more tears coming, and i turned away from him. "Leave me alone." i slammed harry's door, and left him standing in the hallway. Ginny gaped at me, and I flung myself on the bed. I curled into a ball, and Ginny sat next to me, glaring at the door. She was mumbling, but I couldn't make out words. Harry came in a little later. He gave me a sad look, and kicked the bathroom door down. Then he kicked Draco's down. Draco was laying on his bed, and pansy was gone. He looked up, and glared at harry. Harry walked over to him, and threw him on the floor. Draco stood up, and saw me. My tear stained face, and my broken eyes. He started to walk towards me, but Harry slammed him against the wall. He punched his face, and blood began to deep out of Draco's nose. "Hermione-" he choked out. Harry brought his wand up to Draco's neck, and Draco's eyes were brought down to Harry's. "You will stay away from her. You hear me? Of you touch her, I will kill you." Draco was scared and confused. Harry walked out, and slammed Draco's door. He looked at me, and started to say something. I cut him off. "I think I just want to got to bed." My voice was sad and weak. Ginny nodded, and left. I just crawled into bed, and stared at the wall. I didn't fall asleep that night.
The next morning, Ginny laid out a deep red strapless dress, paired with black heels, for me to wear. I met her in the common room, and she gasped. "Let's make him hurt." I nodded, but I didn't mean it. We walked down the hallway, and students gawked. We burst into the great hall, and all eyes flew to me. I smirked, and sat by harry. The conversation resumed, but I could tell it was about me. Ginny nudged me, and I saw Draco was walking towards me. He grabbed my wrist, and dragged me to the library. I could tell harry was close behind. He released me, in a dark corridor. "What the hell?" My mouth fell open, and without thinking I slapped him. "Hermione," he growled, becoming angry. "Last night, I found you in bed with pansy. Explain." He looked surprised, and tried to speak. "No. I don't want excuses. We-we're done." I ripped his ring off my finger, and threw it at his chest. "Hermione!" He yelled. He pulled me back and kissed me. I pulled away immediately, and ran outside. It was raining, and I slipped in the mud. I slid down the hill, and someone caught me. His arms were strong, and he smelled of freshly cut grass, and dust. I twisted around to see Ron. I grinned. "Sorry Hermione." "Ron, you have to marry me." I was desperate.

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