Chapter 6

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Harry opened the door, and we all came in. Once the door was shut, harry turned to us. "Ron can't find out." He said. We nodded, and sat down. "So Hermione, what are you doing for Christmas?" Harry asked. "Well, i was thinking, i could spend the 22, 23 and 24 at the manor with draco," i turned to him. "If you'll have me." He nodded, and i continued. "Then both of us would come to the burrow for the rest of break." Both harry and ginny nodded, and then draco spoke. "Do you think the Weasleys will accept me?" He asked. Ginny nodded, and there was a knock at the door. Draco jumped away from me, and harry answered the door. Ron stood there and draco exhaled. "You guys coming to dinner?" Draco jumped up, and pushed past him. Ron scowled, and grabbed my hand. I shook him off, and followed draco. I could hear ginny and harry snicker. I walked faster, and came up beside Draco. He smiled, and brushed my hand with his. I felt a warmth spread through my body, and i smiled. We stopped in front of the door, and draco stepped away from me. His eyes said sorry. He opened the door, and i went to go sit down. Harry, ginny and ron sat next to me, and then McGonagall began to speak. "This is the last dinner, for those of you who are leaving us for break. After break, we will continue the tradition of the dance. Those of you who are fourth years, or older will be able to attend. People who choose to stay, will be given the option of going to hogsmead, all 10 days." She was quiet, and then she sat down. We ate dinner, and we talked about our break. After dinner, i packed my bag, and sat in the common, reading. Harry came out of his room, and sat with me. "Do you really want to go spend three days with the Malfoy's?" He asked. "Yes. She does." Draco said before i could. I nodded, and draco came at sat with me. "We are going to leave tonight." Draco said. "We better get going." He stood up, and grabbed both my bag and his. I took both bags, linked arms with draco, and we walked to the headmistress's office. We apparated from there, and appeared at the Malfoy manor. I was speechless. Draco smirked, and led me inside. The house elves took our bags, and we met up with Narcissa and Lucius. "Mother, father, this is hermione granger." He gripped my hand tighter. Narcissa smiled, while Lucius glared at me. "Draco, may i speak to you, in private?" He asked draco. Draco nodded, and went away with his father. "So, you're the girl that draco has fallen for." Narcissa said. I nodded, and she led me into the kitchen. "Help me with dinner?" She asked with a warm smile. I nodded.
At the lavender home
"Ron. My parents aren't home..." lavender said, and ron stood by the door. He nodded absentmindedly, and lavender tackled him. She laughed, and slowly undressed ron. Ron wasn't thinking about lavender, he was thinking about hermione. What Hermione was doing, where she was, why she broke up with him. Why did she break up with him? He thought. He turned back into reality for a couple seconds, to find himself fully naked, and on top of lavender. He turned back to his thoughts, and was lost once more. She was hanging around malfoy a lot. Was he the reason? No, it must have been the .sex with lavender. That's what got her mad. But she had a hickey from a random guy. That made it fair. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a moan from lavender. She stopped, and looked up at him. He rolled off her, and lavender never broke his gaze. "Thanks." She whispered. He nodded, and fell asleep.
Malfoy manor
I woke up in Draco's arms, and nudged him. "Yes?" "We have to get up. Today is the party." He sat up, and pulled me closer against him. "I have a dress for you. Go help my mother." I groaned, got out of his bed. I met narcissa downstairs, and she was in the kitchen, with coffee in hand. "Hello Hermione." She said. "Good morning mrs. malfoy." She laughed, and smiled at me. "Please, call me narcissa. Would you like a cup?" She gestured to her coffee and I nodded. While my back was turned, draco came downstairs. "Mother, Hermione." He kissed me on the cheek. "Hermione, will you help me with my dress for the party? I believe Draco said he had a dress for you..." draco nodded, and Narcissa smiled. "Great, can I see it?" I looked to Draco, and he nodded. He silently walked up the stairs, and came back down with the dress, and Lucius. He glared at me, and Draco smiled at me. "Thank you." She looked at it up and down. "Hermione, we have to go last minute shopping. I'm afraid I have nothing to go with this." She looked at me. "That's fine." I said back to her. "I insist. We must." She smiled, and she held out her hand. "Hold on." Draco smiled again. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed on.

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