Chapter 4

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Draco grabbed my hand, and we walked on. We were behind his shack, and down flew buckbeak. Draco's eyes widened, and I stepped up to the hippogriff. He allowed me on, and then Draco stepped up. Soon he was behind me, and the rest of the class had gathered around us. Suddenly we were in the air. I clutched the feathers, but Draco's arms slid around me. I cautiously lifted my hands up, and Draco rested his head on my shoulder. I stared out into the sky, and soon we were on the ground. When we landed, Draco jumped off, and walked to his friends. I scowled, and pushed myself off. Hagrid smiled at me, and told me to stay back. After class had ended, i stayed back with Hagrid. "Hermione, how is your year going?" He asked me. "Um, good, i guess." "Ok, i want you to be careful with malfoy. I saw you up there with him." He said. "Ok, thanks. I will." I stood up, and walked back to the castle. I went to dinner after a while, and sat with my friends. I sat next to ron, and began to eat. Ginny sat across from me, and then, she gasped. "Hermione...?" "What?" I said. She pointed to ron, who was fuming. My hands flew to my neck. "That's not a 'staircase' bruise, is it?" He said. I could feel the blood draining from my face. He stood up, and stormed out. "Ginny, what the hell did you say to him?" I yelled. I ran after him, but i ended up in my dorm. I sat on my bed, at stared at the wall. Harry came in, after a few minutes, and sat with me. "This isn't your fault. But i need to know, what is it?" He said slowly. "Harry, i really want to tell you, but before i do, i need to go do something." I stood up, and walked out the door. I ran down the hall and ended up walking through the portrait. I walked slowly, and the other Gryffindors saw me. They didn't see a wronged, but guilty head girl, they saw a little girl with tear streaked cheeks and a large bruise on her neck that made her a cheater. I avoided their eyes, and slowly climbed the stairs to the boys dormitory. I opened the door, and began by calling Ron's name. Instead of replying to my name, he moaned another's. I stopped dead in my tracks. All had gone silent, all for the squeaky bedsprings. I stormed up to his bed, and tore open the curtains. I saw him on her, and I mumbled a hex. The girl closed her eyes, and her moan died in her throat. Ron looked confused, and looked up. He saw me, and he went white. I ran out, a sob forming in my throat. "Hermione!" He called. I stopped outside the door, and he ran up to me, in just a pair of jeans. "What, Ronald?" My voice had a bite, and he was speechless. I turned away, and ran back to my dorm. I opened the door, and slumped against the door. Both Harry and Draco ran to me, and saw me. I drew my knees close to me, and my tears slowly dried. Harry stood, just looking at me. His eyes had gone wide, and he could tell that it had to do with Ron. Draco, and the other hand, picked me up, and carried me to his room. "Mate, what are you doing?" Harry asked him. Draco swore under his breath. "Um, I promise we will tell you, but later." He opened his door, and left Harry standing in the common room, confused once again.
Draco laid me down, and opened the door to the bathroom. I sat up, and watched him. He wet a cloth, and sat by me. He slowly wiped my face off, and the redness went down. After a couple minutes of sitting together, I got up. He watched me with confusion. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" I asked shakily. Relief flooded his face. "Yes," he laughed. "Yes." I smiled, and open the door to the common room. "We need to tell harry." I said. Draco rolled his eyes, and walked to the door. "Fine." He whispered into my ear, and kissed my cheek. We sat on the couch, and harry came and sat with us. "Harry, we are about to tell you something that you cannot tell anyone else." Harry looked worried. "This started in fourth year, at the Yule ball.
I had just danced with victor Krum, and i wanted to sit down. I walked over to the drinks, and saw something. Ronald was making out with lavender, which hurt, not much, but more than it should of. I turned around, and walked back to victor. I walked up to him, making out with a girl from his school. That hurt. "Victor?" I said. "Go away, heather." I stumbled back, and that's when the tears began to fall. I ran outside into the storm, and ran right into Draco. I knocked him over, and he laughed. Which made me laugh. We laughed on the ground for awhile, until we began to roll down a hill. Draco wrapped his arms around me, and we rolled together. At the bottom, Draco was on top of me. We were still laughing, and he began to tickle me. That made me laugh harder, and I squealed and yelled for him to stop. He didn't, but then he did. He stared at me, and kissed me. Then he stood up, and ran away. When he got about a couple hundred feet away, he stopped, and ran back to me. I had stood up, and he ran into me, and kissed me, hard. Then we heard fang began to bark, and we ran back to the castle. Before we went back in, he wiped my tears away, and kissed me again. I saw him smile, before he went back. I smiled too.

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