Chapter 5

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Harry was silent, and Draco held my hands. "So those bruises, were from him?" I nodded and Harry closed his eyes. "Please don't tell anyone." Draco blurted. Harry looked at him, and stood up. "Hermione, can I talk to malfoy, alone please?" He asked, without removing his glare from Draco. "Sure, Draco?" Draco looked at me, and nodded. I walked up to my room, and pulled on pajamas. I brushed my teeth, and climbed into his bed. I could hear them. "How long?" "Since fourth year. We haven't had a full relationship, only two make out sessions." "When." "Fifth, and about 5 days ago." Harry gasped. "If you hurt her, I will kill you. I'm pretty sure the entire Weasley family will as well." "Mate, I know. Can I go to bed?" Harry sighed and I heard Draco walk up the stairs. He opened the door, and walked in. "Hermione?" I pulled myself out of his bed, and walked downstairs. "Harry?" "Don't do anything bad, ok?" "I won't." "Ok. Goodnight." I said goodnight, and opened Draco's door. "What?" I heard Harry yell. I quickly shut the door, and malfoy cast a muffliato. I giggled and pulled up the covers. He turned off the lights, and I felt his arms go around me. I sighed, and leaned into his arms. I fell asleep quickly.
The next morning, I woke up, and Draco was still asleep. I eased myself out of bed, and quickly sent a patronas to Ginny. "Come help me dress." It said. After it sent, Draco padded out of his room. He smiled, and walked over to me. Before he said a word to me, Ginny knocked on the door. I opened it, and she burst in. "Hello Hermione." She said. "Malfoy." She said, and sat on our couch. "Go get dressed, I need your room." I whispered to him. "Are you gonna tell her?" He asked. I nodded, and Draco went to his room. I sat next to Ginny, and she pulled out her sewing kit. I sighed, and she giggled. Draco left his room, and while Ginny was setting up in his room, he pulled me into his arms. "Don't let her mess up our room." He said. "I won't." I kissed him, and he left. I walked up the stairs to "our" room, and opened the door. Ginny was cutting up a skirt of mine. I collapsed on the bed, and she continued to sew. A couple minutes later she handed me a pile of clothes, and i put them. Ginny smiled She was done in five minutes, and she shoved a pile of clothes at me. I changed into them, and walked out to the door. As we walked down the hallway, the students gawked. Maybe it was the short black skirt, or the pristine white long sleeve shirt, or that it was paired with my robes over them. Ginny smiled, and we arrived at the great hall. I stepped in, and everything went silent. I could see Draco smiling, and ron with his mouth wide open. I walk past the tables, and sat by harry and ron. Ron's surprise has turned the anger. "You cannot wear that!" He hissed. "Why not?" I asked. "As your boyfriend, I don't allow you to." He said, with a stern voice. I laughed. "Do you really think that I'm still your girlfriend?" I said with a little anger. "Yes, of course." He said. My anger began to intensify. "Ronald," I took a deep breath. "Last night, when I was coming to apologize to you, I walked in on you, having sex with some random slut!" I yelled. Draco stood up, and stared. Ron scoffed and pulled out his wand. "So, you get a hickey, from someone, and we continue to date. Then, I have sex with someone, and we don't? What the hell?" He yelled. "Ronald, I was given a bruise, by someone that clearly cares about me more than you do, and my bruise will fade. You gave up your virginity to a random girl. You cannot get that back. That is the one thing that," my voice broke. "That was the one thing that was keeping me in love with you. That we would grow up, and have kids, that maybe I would be your first. But, I'm sorry." I ran out, and Harry ran after me. I went to the library, and curled into a ball. Harry sat next to me, and was quiet. We sat like that for a long time.
The next day, I pulled on a strapless dress, and my robes went over. I walked to breakfast with harry trailing me, and when I got there, it was quiet, once again. Draco went red, and ron was aghast. I found Ginny, and sat by her. "Nice dress." She smiled and said. Ron was sitting next to me, and I ignored him, completely. I looked over at Draco a couple of times, and he was bright red each time. After breakfast, I walked down an empty hallway. Today there was exams for first years, so we had the day off. I walked in the dim lighting, and a pale hand shot out and grabbed me. I was pulled into a closet, and was staring and Draco. He pressed me up against the wall, and slid his hands around my waist. "you make me crazy." He whispered. I giggled and he kissed me. He kissed me all over my face, and moved down to my neck. He lifted me onto a shelf, and I wrapped my legs around him. His hands were on my waist, and I pulled away. "Draco,"I said. "We can't do this. Not here." He stared at me, and I hopped off the shelf. He rolled his eyes, and i opened the door. The hallway was empty, and i pulled draco out. He held onto my hand, and we walked down the hall. No one was walking around, and everything was quiet. We walked back to our common room, and just before we opened the door, there was a shout from the end of the hallway. "Hermione, what the hell is this?" I looked, and saw ginny. She walked angrily towards us, and draco gripped my hand tighter. "Hermione?" She asked. Draco looked at me, and i looked at ginny. "Well?" She asked. I told her the story, and she smiled. "I knew it." She laughed, and harry came up behind us, and smiled. "She knows!" He said, laughing. I looked at draco, who smiled and held me around the waist.

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