Chapter 13

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Three years later, Hermione and Draco were standing on platform 9 ¾. Harry and Ginny were next to them. "Bye mom, bye dad!" Leo and Lyra both called from the train. Hermione smiled and called back to them. "Bye kids!" Draco smiled and waved. Harry and Ginny said goodbye to their two kids, and the four of them walked back to the muggle station. "Look who it is! The potters and the Malfoys." A voice drawled from behind them. They all twisted around and cams face to face with Ron. "Looks like you finally found the father to your children, mrs. Malfoy." Ron slurred to Hermione. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. She hid her wedding ring behind here back, and Draco clasped the other one. "And you. I'm your brother, and your best friend. You just cast me out." Ron said to harry and Ginny. "Hermione is my sister, best friend, and my friends wife. She didn't cheat on her husband, you did." Harry said accusingly to Ron. "You are my brother, but only by blood. Nothing else." Ginny said. The four of them turned away from Ron, and apparated away.
Hermione and Draco stood in front of their house, in the countryside, surrounded by trees, and walked inside.


*any thing else you guys want me to write? any specific pairings or stuff like that? i'll be down to do anything *

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