Chapter 11

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I set the letter down shakily. He was coming here. I felt the blood drain from my face, and felt a little hand slip into mine. I looked down to see Lyra. Her she looked exactly like him. With one minor detail. She had silvery blonde hair, but it was frizzy and thick like mine was. Leo was right behind her. His hair was a red brown like mine, but thin and straight like his. I sighed. Later that day I told Ron. He freaked out, and went out. He came back the next morning.
Soon, it was the day the Draco claimed his was coming. I cleaned the house, and the children, but Ron was gone the entire day. Draco showed up around noon, and rang the doorbell. I answered the door, and my breath was gone. He was standing there, his bag slung over his shoulder, smiling sheepishly. "Hi." He said. I blushed, and let him in. "Hi." I couldn't meet his eyes, but I could tell his were on me. No later than a couple seconds, Leo and Lyra were standing behind me. I could hear him gasp. He knelt down to their level. "Hi. I'm your-" I cut him off. "My very close friend." His eyes caught mine, and mine read guilt. "You can call me mr D." He smiled at them, and they smiled back. Suddenly the door opened. "Malfoy." A very drunk Ron sneered. Draco moved closer to the kids, and Ron noticed. "Get away from them. They're mine. So is hermione." He was inching closer to Draco. I stepped in between them, and grabbed the kids. They clutched my hands, and Draco watched them intensely. "Draco, can you take the kids outside? I need to talk to Ron." Draco nodded, and took their hands. I nodded, and Draco walked away. "Ronald." I turned to him, and glared. "You have no right to come here, drunk, insult my friend, and endanger our children." He nodded, and I started to walk to the door. "He's staying here, we'll be back soon. Clean up, and ready the guest room." I slammed the door, and caught up with Draco. He held my gaze, while the kids ran ahead. "We can't do this." I whispered. He nodded, but his eyes said the opposite. He wanted this, he wanted what we had all those years ago. I broke his gaze, and walked to the kids. "Wanna go for a drive?" He nodded, and I slid behind the wheel. He sat in the passenger seat, and the kids were already behind us. "You know how to drive?" He nodded, and I grinned. We drove to a park and walked around. The kids were running in front of us, and Draco was close to me. He brushed my hand with his, and I saw him smirk. I blushed, and he held my hand. I went stiff, and he let go. His warmth was gone. I heard him mutter sorry. My eyes were watching the kids. They were climbing a tree, and laughing. I sat by them, and Draco next to me. We stayed by the tree for a while.
Draco drove us home, and when we got there, I noticed something. There was a figure in my window, and it wasn't Ron. "Stay here." I spat, and Draco let me out. I heard him lock the door. I burst open the door, and ran upstairs. Our door was closed and I kicked it open. What I saw ruined me. "Are you kidding me?" Ron was in bed, with lavender. "Hermione." He squeaked. Lav smirked. Then it hit me. "Lavender, get the fuck out." She eased out from under Ron, to reveal a very exposing bra. There were no underwear. She apparated, and was gone. "Of course. All the late nights, and the long days at work, you were just shagging her?!" He gulped. I ran my hand through my hair. "I knew it. We couldn't have anymore kids, so you just decided that I wasn't good enough?" I screamed. He stood up. "Yes. You knew that I wanted more kids, and you didn't deliver. I moved on." I laughed. "More kids? Try any kids." He gaped. "What?" "You heard me. The twins, aren't yours. Now, I'm leaving. We are also done. I chucked his rings at him. I ran downstairs and got in the car. "Can we stay at the manor for a couple days?" I whispered. I felt the tears begin to prick at my eyes. "Sure." Draco started the car, and I fell asleep.
I woke up in a featherbed, that smelled like him. I walked downstairs, see Draco on the floor with the children. They were laughing at something Leo had said. Draco saw, and his eyes lit. I felt mine do the same, but my mind went to him and pansy. I smiled and sat by Lyra. "What time is it?" I asked. Without looking up from Leo, he said it was 7. I nodded, and grabbed both of their hands. Draco stood up, and walked up stairs with me as I pulled the kids up them. "I'll be waiting." Draco whispered in my ear. I grinned, and the kids pulled me up.

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