Chapter 10

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Ron looked surprised. "Please."
So that was it, and now I am on the train, engaged to Ron. We were getting married in a week. I looked over to him, and felt a warmth wash over me. I rested my head on his shoulder, and fell asleep.
I was getting married in an hour. I was pacing the grass behind the burrow, and walked into something. "You always were a clumsy witch." That voice, the voice that comforted me, the voice that broke my heart. "Draco." He grinned. "I know. Don't try to deny it." "You cheated on me. Broke my heart. You're wrong." He shook his head sadly, and was gone. I ran to Ginny, and got ready. I glanced in a mirror, and saw myself. My dress was a clear white, with accents of silver. My jewelry was a jade, my birthstone. I had noticed the hints of him on me, the silver, the jewelry he had gotten me. I hated him. I was marrying Ron, and I had to stay true to him. But the little voice in the back of my head still persisted. I shook it off, and immersed myself in the wedding. I didn't know it was over until Ron grabbed my wrists, and kissed me. "I love you, wife." I smiled. The rest of the day went by quickly.
I told Ron I was pregnant 3 months after I found out. He was happy, but I was consumed by grief. The next six months went by slowly, but in February, they were born. They were fraternal twins, Lyra, and Leo. They were both pale skinned, Lyra had clear silver eyes, and Leo had a deep chocolate brown color for his eyes. I loved them from the moment I met them. I think he did too.
The years flew by. I never saw Draco, and Ron and I never had another child. Ron tried, but we were never able to.
When the children were both eight, I received a letter. It was from him.
Dear Hermione,
For the past eight years, I have watched our children grow, through my enchanted family tree. I wish to see them. I am coming in three days. We do not have to tell them, but I would like them to get to know me. Do tell weasel that I will be staying with you. Hermione, I have something very important to tell you. Please give me that chance.
With love- Draco malfoy.

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