Chapter 8

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The next morning, I packed and said goodbye to Draco. I had both his necklace and his ring on as I left. I flooed to the Weasley's, and when the smoke cleared, I was welcomed with the faces of Ginny, harry and Ron. Ginny hugged me, and so did harry. "Where's malfoy?" He whispered. "Decided not to come." He shrugged, and I glared at ron. "Hermione!" A shrill voice rang through the house. Molly ran into the room, and hugged me. The way she looked at me reminded me of narcissa. I was led into my room, and my bags were already here.
The next couple of days were a blur, but one stuck out in particular. It was New Year's Eve, and I was on the roof. I was alone, and then Ron came up. He stuck up behind me, and started to whisper things in my ear. His hot breath was repulsive. Then he started to make out with my neck. I pushed him away. "Ron, no!" "Why not Hermione? You single, and probably haven't gotten some in a little while..." I think back to Draco, and boy was he wrong. Ron inched closer to me. "You know you want to." "Ronald, I said NO!" I shot him down with a spell, and he ran downstairs.
"Nice." I whipped around to find Draco standing by the edge. I flung myself at him, and he kissed me. "Happy New Years." He chuckled, kissed me goodbye. "I'll see you at the ball." With a crack he was gone.
I stood in my dorm, alone. The girls had helped me with my dress, and my makeup, but I was left alone for jewelry. All of them had left five minutes ago. I was standing in front of my mirror, with Draco's necklace, and his ring on. My dress was a cool, dark green. It was full length, and topless. I paired it with the silver heels narcissa had gotten me. I sighed, and began to walk down to the great hall. There was no one in the halls, and my heels made a sound as they made contact with the floors. The doors were closed, but I knew a different way in.
I walked down the staircase, everyone quiet. My eyes were on Draco, he was beaming at me. I made it to him, and took his hand. He spun me into a waltz, and we danced. When the song was over, everyone was talking again, and we walked over to Ginny and harry. Ginny and I talked for a while, before she let out a little scream. She pointed to my hand. "Is that what I think it is?" Draco's hand clasped mine, and he smiled. "We got engaged over break." Ginny continued to shriek, and my eyes caught those of a very angry ron. "Guys can we go outside for a while, all of us?" They all looked at ron, and we all hurried out.
His footsteps thundered on the tile, and Draco stepped in front of me.
"Get away from them, malfoy." He said as he neared us. "Which one? I mean, she's practically a malfoy." Draco said in a cocky voice. I suppressed a grin, and I could see harry and Ginny were too. Draco was just grinning. "What?" Ron choked out. Draco grasped my hand, and led me up to ron. He held my hand, and showed ron his ring. Ron choked, and I glared at ron. "Like I said, get away from them, malfoy." His eyes burned into mine, and I stepped closer to him. He raised his arm, like he was going to punch me, but instead twisted around and punched Draco. Draco fell, and harry and Ginny held me back. Draco was growling, I could see the fear in Ron's eyes. Draco lifted him up by his shirt, and pinned him against the wall. "You stay away from hermione. I swear to god if I find you with her I will kill you." Ron jumped out of his grip, and ran down the hall. Draco turned to me, seething. His pale skin was flushed red, his fists curled into themselves. His eyes were a cold hard silver, and his wall was up as he pushed past me. I let him go.

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