Chapter 3

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I smiled. "I'm sorry, Draco." He looked better. "Thank you." He said. "I'm really sorry about fifth year." He said. "It's just a hickey." We both started laughing. "I didn't know it would bruise that much." He said with a smile on his face. "Ginny never let me hear the end of it. And ron and harry, were constantly trying to figure out who it was the gave me it." I laughed. He had pressed me up against a bookcase, and he was smiling at me. He lifted his hand, and touched my neck. "It was right here." He fingered a little spot on my neck, that made me squirm. He put his face close to it, and began to suck at it. "Draco... what about harry?" I breathed. "Screw harry." He laughed, and kissed me again. He pulled away, and kissed me softly on the lips. He chuckled, and conjured a mirror. There was a reddish purple bruise on my neck, and I blushed. "Ok, you hate me. And j hate you." I said. " I'm really sorry, but if we want this go work, it has to be this way." Draco nodded, and we stepped back through the portrait. Harry was sitting on the couch, waiting. "Don't do that again, mudblood." He pushed past me, and slammed his door. "What?" Harry asked. I shook my head, and led him into his bedroom. Both bathroom doors were open, and I could see Draco's. Harry walked into his room, and looked around. "Where's pansy?" He asked Draco. "She started sleeping with Knott, and took all her stuff to the Slytherin dormitories." Draco shrugged, and waved his wand. The two twin beds became one king. Harry scoffed and walked back to his bedroom, his back turned. Draco shut his door, and I shut the bathroom door. "Harry, I'll be right out." As soon as the door connected Harry's room and the bathroom, Draco opened his. He pulled me into his room, and we fell on his bed. "I'll leave my door open. Consider it." He whispered. He grinned, and I stood up. I nodded, and shut his door. I opened Harry's and sat on my bed. "Tell me what?" He asked. "Nothing, he told me something about you, and he wouldn't let me go." Harry relaxed, and I twisted my hair so that it was fall over what Draco left. Us three walked to lunch together, and Draco kept touching my hand. He only stopped when we had to go sit down. We sat by Ginny and ron. Like fifth year, I could see Draco. Ron put his arm around me, and Draco's face hardened. He moved away my hair, and his eyes widened. "Hermione what the hell is this?" He roared. Draco smiled. "One of the staircases caught me off guard. This is nothing." I looked over at Ginny, who was suppressing a smile. I could see that Draco was looking at her too. Lunch ended with ron feeling my neck, draco smiling and laughing, harry and ginny exchanging strange looks. After lunch we had Magical Creatures with Hagrid. I was walking down the green alone, when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Draco's face. I smiled, and tripped. Before i fell fully, i felt Draco's arms close around me. We tumbled down the hill, and ended up in front of a couple trees. Draco began to laugh, as did I. We walked to Hagrids together, when he put on a frown and walked over to the other slytherins. "Why were you with the mudblood?" One of them asked. "Clumsy bitch tripped me." He scoffed, and I kept walking and met up with harry and ron. Hagrid was standing in a clearing, and told us to pair up. With someone of the opposite gender, of the opposite house. Draco's eyes flew to mine, and he took a step forwards me. Everyone else paired up, and Draco walked the full distance to me. Hagrid told us we were going into the forest. He told us to find a special mushroom. We set off, and about five minutes in, we found mushroom. Draco pocketed it, and we kept walking. We walked until we found our tree. Draco pressed me up against it, and kissed me softly. Suddenly we heard people. Harry and Astoria came through the brush. Draco stepped beside me, and I greeted Harry. Draco gave Harry a disgusted look, and harry linked arms with me. He dragged me away, and I gave Draco a "sorry" look. We were the first ones out, and we sat by Hagrid. Harry showed him the mushroom, and then Astoria and Draco walked out of the forest. Hagrid stood up, and we followed. "Get with your old partners." He said.

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