Chapter 12

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I saw him sprawled on the couch. He smirked at me, and I felt myself blush. He pulled me next to him, and I was laying on his chest. I was slightly uncomfortable, but his warmth was comforting at the same time. "I'm sorry." He whispered. I turned to face him, and pulled myself off the couch. "I have to show you something." He pulled me to the drawing room, the one with the family tree. He stopped us right in front of it. I took a shaky breath, and Draco did the same. I looked to the tree, and found my face. Under me was Leo and Lyra. "Hermione, I am so sorry. I want to be in their life, I want to be in yours." His voice rang of desperation. "Draco, you hurt me. I don't want to go through that again, I already did with Ron, twice." I avoided his eyes, but he brought my face up to his. "Pansy cursed me. She put me under imperio." He said softly. "Hermione, I still love you. I never stopped." "Draco, I never stopped loving you either. I want you in my life, and I want you in theirs. I'm not saying we can never be together, but I need some time to get this thing with Ron over, and to be around you. Give me a couple months, and we can revisit the topic." I said to him. "I'm going to bed." I walked up the stairs, and back into the bed I woke up in. I was almost asleep when he came in. "In my bed again, granger?" I froze, and started to get out of his bed. "I never said you could go." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back. Once I was back in bed, and sure I was never leaving, I fell back asleep.

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