Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes, and we were in muggle London. I grinned, and we spent the remainder of the day shopping.
We came back to the manor, and went straight to the master bedroom. Narcissa put on her dress, an off white gown. Then she turned to me. First she sat me down, and did my makeup. A light layer of light purple shadow went over my eyes, and a clear gloss. Then she helped me into my grey knee length dress, and silver heels. I smiled, and thanked her. Then Draco appeared at the door, and lead me downstairs. "Hermione," He whispered huskily into my ear. " you don't know how hard this is for me" I giggled, and he kissed my ear. The party went quickly, and the entire Lucius was glaring at me. I knew no one there except the malfoy's, and I stuck to mine like glue. At about midnight, Draco lead me into the study. In front of us, was the malfoy family tree. "I want you to be on this." He whispered. I looked at him with wide eyes, as he knelt on a knee. "Hermione jean granger, will you make me happy forever and marry me?" I gasped as he pull out a ring with a gold band, a single clear diamond, and two smaller ones on each side, one red, the other green. "Yes. Yes Draco yes!" He slipped the ring on my finger, and kissed me. He smiled. We walked back into the main room, and his mother grinned. I smiled back. "Congratulations." She looked at me the way Molly, and my own mother did. Like I was her daughter. The rest of the night went quickly, and I fell asleep in Draco's arms. I woke up, and felt the ring on my finger. I felt happy too. I nestled myself back into Draco's arms, and fell asleep until noon. When we got up, Draco's parents were sitting and reading together. When they saw us, one of them smiled, the other winced. "Let's do gifts." I looked at Draco. "we always do them on the 24th, but because they are not gonna be here tonight, we are doing them now." I shrugged, and sat on a loveseat with him. To Draco from his parents, he got a new broom, and new quidditch robes. I gave them each a mug with their initials, they gave me a shirt with the malfoy crest and a couple books. I thanked them, and moved to Draco's gift. He gave a simple necklace with two diamonds, one gold, the other silver. I gave him a book of pictures. The ones that move. I told him. He flipped through and found all of our important memories. I swear I could see a small tear run down his cheek. "I enchanted it, so that anytime we do something worth of adding, the book will add it." He looked at me, then crushed me in a hug. "Thanks Hermione. I love it. And I love you." "I love you too."
It was around eight when Draco's parents left. The minute they did, Draco lifted me up, and carried me up to his bedroom. I was thrown down, and Draco began to unbutton his shirt. He pressed his bare chest against mine, and began to kiss me. He moved to my neck, that's when I blanked my mind. Of everything except him. I could feel my clothes being pulled off, and his warm body against mine. My mind was flooded of images of him, narrated by his voice. "Hermione," he breathed into my ear. I moaned softly, and they grew louder as we furthered. When he finished, I laid next to him. "Hermione, they was-" I cut him off. "Better than anything I've ever had." He nodded, and I fell asleep against his bare chest.

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