Chapter 2

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I had transfig, in about 10 minutes so i wandered over in that direction. I sat in my seat, and the class was far from interesting. After the class had ended, we had lunch in an hour, so i went back to our common room. Pansy hadn't been here for about three days, so it was just harry, Malfoy and me. I sighed,and stood before Sirius and Snape. "Snakous." I said. The door opened, and i could see malfoy sitting on a chair, staring at me. "Granger," he said. I walked past him, and he grabbed my wrist. "When i address you, you will answer." His grip on my wrist tightened. I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me go. He stared me down, and his eyes were hard silver. "If you don't let me go, I'll tell harry." His eyes widened, and harry spoke. "Tell me what?" We both jumped, and malfoy pulled me close to him. Harry stared at us, and malfoy realized what he was doing. He pushed me away from him, and slammed his door. Well, my door. Harry looked bewildered, and sat down. "Tell me what, Hermione?"He asked slowly. I gulped. "Um, tell you that..." I was drowned out by a loud "NO!" From malfoy. He opened his door and dragged me out by my wrist. Harry watched, and I could see anger forming behind his eyes. Malfoy continued to drag me, until we got to a secluded section of the library. "We promised we wouldn't tell anyone. I need you to stay true to that." His eyes flashed with worry. "Malfoy- I won't. Unless you do something, and I have to." When I said his name, he shut his eyes, and groaned. "What did I tell you about Malfoy?"
It was fifth year, and we both had potions together. "Malfoy." I kept calling him, as it was the only name I had been given. At one point we messed up, and had detention. We were in the forest, and I called him malfoy, again. Then he blew up. "Don't call me that!" He yelled. He had pressed me up against a tree, and his face was very close to mine. I could feel his breath. "What should I call you?" I asked quietly. He leaned his head into my shoulder, and whispered, "Draco." He lifted his head up, and I kissed him. He leaned back in surprise, but kissed me back. I could feel him smile, and he kissed me harder. His hands went on my waist, and mine were in his hair. I moaned softly, and he began to suck on my neck. When he finished, he cursed. "I gave you a hickey." He said. I glanced up, and I saw the moon. "We should get back." I said. We began to walk, and he spoke. "You can't tell anyone. This shouldn't have happened." He kept his eyes forward, and I could the worry in his eyes, even from here. "I won't, Draco." He smiled sadly af that, and he didn't see me wipe the small tear off my face. Fast forward to tomorrow. We were at breakfast, and I sat where I could see Draco. "How was detention?" Ron asked. "Fine, I guess. Then harry gasped. "Hermione, what is that on your neck?" He asked. Draco heard this and smiled. He was looking at ron, who was bright red with anger. "Ron, it's a bruise." Ginny said, and smiled. I blushed. "It's nothing really. It's just a hickey." At that, Draco began to laugh/cough really hard. I smiled, and stood up. "I forgot something. I'll see you guys in class. I moved my hair to one side, so everyone could see it. I passed by Draco, and I could see him smile.

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