Chapter 6- Kaitlyn Faces Loki

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Once everyone had left the room, Director Fury and I stand in the bridge

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Once everyone had left the room, Director Fury and I stand in the bridge.

"Look, Director, I know what you're going to say, but if you let me explain I..."

"Save it. I don't want to hear any excuses. What you did was completely irresponsible." Director Fury says.

"I know, but..."

"It was stupid, it was reckless and it was dangerous. Do you realize what would've happened if Loki had captured you while you were in Germany? I would have this place swarming looking for you." Director Fury continues.

"I understand that, but..."

"You disobeyed my orders when you decided to leave this Helicarrier. You put yourself in danger and you could have very well put this team in danger." Director Fury says.

"Director Fury, would you just listen to me, please?" I say. "You have to let me talk to Loki."

"What? That's not happening." Director Fury says.

"Director, you don't understand. You have to let me talk to Loki. Ever since we found him in Germany something weird has been happening." I say.

"Such as?" Director Fury asks.

"I keep hearing voices in my head and I think he may be the cause of it." I say.

"Are you saying you might have a connection to Loki?" Director Fury questions.

"No. I'm not sure. But I think he can help me with what's been going on if you let me talk to him. Maybe I could even get him to open up a little more about his plans." I say.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that. What if this is a trap?" Director Fury says.

"What could he possibly do? Loki is locked in his cell. There's no way that he could escape." I say.

Director Fury thinks for a moment and sighs. "You can go. But if anything goes wrong, you get out of there as soon as possible and if not, I'll send in Thor to help."

Turning on my heel, I leave the bridge and make my way down to the detention levels.
I find the door that led to Loki's cell. Pressing the button, the door opens and I step inside. I watch Loki as he paces around in his cell. He stops when he hears me enter the room and an evil grin appears on his face.

"There's not many people who can sneak up on me." Loki turns and faces me.

"You knew I was coming?" I ask.

"After. After whatever tortures Fury can concoct. You would appear as a friend, as a balm. And I would cooperate." Loki says.

"I wasn't sent here by Nick Fury." I say.

"Oh? Then, why are you here?" Loki asks.

"I think you know why." I say.

"Something troubles you." Loki says, a small smile creeping onto his face.

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